50 Healthy Ideas for a New Year’s Resolution: Fitness

50 Healthy Ideas for a New Year’s Resolution: Fitness
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2021 is coming up quickly, and many people are thinking about making a New Year’s resolution. Many New Year’s resolutions surround fitness goals. Getting in shape, losing weight, and becoming physically healthier are all great goals to have; however, the vast majority of New Year’s resolutions are dropped by late January or early February. Therefore, it is essential to think about New Year’s resolutions ahead of time and develop a plan for how to keep them. Take a look at some of the top 50 New Year’s resolutions for fitness below and see if any of them can help you reach your goals this coming year!

Make a Resolution To Walk 30 Minutes Per Day

One of the top fitness New Year’s resolution options for people trying to institute an exercise routine for the first time is to walk 30 minutes per day. Nobody is expecting someone to get off of the couch and run five miles immediately. The first step is to get the heart beating at a relatively high rate continuously for about 30 minutes. Walking is a great way to do this. Simply walking on a treadmill, walking up and down the street, or walking around the park for a half-hour per day is a great way to get started with fitness. Gradually, you might be able to progress to power-walking and running as well.

Walking is the best exercise for beginners and it works just as well for advanced exercisers. As long as you’re moving more, you’re burning more calories to help you lose weight. Learn more small changes to help you reach your weight-loss success with Noom‘s free trial offer available to Dietsupplement readers today!

Try To Add One New Workout Every Week for Six Months

For those looking to get a bit more creative, it might be a fun New Year’s resolution to add one new workout every week for six months. For example, someone might start by walking for 30 minutes per day for the first week. The next week, someone might try to add a few sit-ups before going on the walk. The following week, it might be a workout that includes push-ups. By trying many different exercises, people will figure out what exercises they like, what activities they don’t enjoy and stay interested in fitness by always trying something new.

Park Farther Away at the Store

A simple New Year’s resolution to burn a few extra calories and get in better shape is to park farther away from the store. By parking the car farther away, people have to walk farther, burning more calories and staying in better shape. For example, instead of looking for the closest spot possible, park at the parking lot’s back row. Then walk to and from the store. Particularly if someone is carrying a bunch of heavy bags to the car, this is a great way to get in better shape. It’s safest only to practice this during the daylight hours.

Explore Fitness Incentives on the Company Health Insurance Plan

An added benefit of fitness is taking a look at the incentives on the company health insurance plan as a New Year’s resolution. In some cases, people might qualify for a health insurance discount if they can prove they are staying in better shape. Think about logging workouts as evidence of your fitness routine. Then, see if you qualify for a discount on your health insurance.

Increase the Incline on the Treadmill at the Gym 1 Degree Per Month

If you like walking on a treadmill, then think about increasing the incline for your New Year’s resolution. You don’t necessarily have to walk farther or faster; however, you will burn more calories by increasing the incline. For the first month, start with a flat treadmill. The next month, try to walk at the same speed for the same amount of time but at a 1.0-degree incline. The following month, increase this to 2.0. You will burn more calories without having to walk farther or faster.

Participate in Workout Routines as a Family

People are far more likely to stick to their New Year’s resolution if they do them with other people. Consider getting the entire family involved in a workout routine. This is an excellent way for everyone to get in better shape and bond as a family.

Walk the Neighborhood for a Half Hour Every Evening with a Friend

If you happen to live alone or your family happens to be in better shape already, think about finding a friend to walk around the neighborhood with you. This is a great way to socialize while getting your exercise in. Simply walk around the community for a half-hour every evening with a friend. You will burn more calories while building a stronger friendship.

Do More Yardwork

You don’t necessarily have to walk or run to get in better shape. By doing more yard work, you are going to exert yourself more often physically. Furthermore, you will also increase the curb appeal of your home. Think about trimming the bushes, edging the yard, mowing the grass, and pulling weeds regularly. This will help you get in better shape.

Start a Garden Outside

Also, you can think about starting a garden outside as a New Year’s resolution. You can add a bit of color to your property’s landscape by planting a variety of flowers. Or, you could even grow some fresh fruits and vegetables that you can use in your cooking. Gardening burns a surprising number of calories, so think about doing this as a way to get in better shape.

Increase the Weight on the Dumbbells by 5 Pounds in Two Months

If you would like to lift weights, set objective goals for yourself. You can start with 5-pound weights; however, try to increase to 10-pound weights in 2 months. You can start by increasing the number of repetitions you do with the lower weight dumbbells. Then, in a few months, you should be able to increase the weight on your dumbbells, getting in better shape while also adding lean muscle mass.

Try to Run a Full Mile in Three Months

If you are starting your fitness routine from the couch, then set a goal to try to run a full mile in 3 months. At first, you might not even be able to run a hundred yards; however, by sticking to a fitness routine, you should be able to run around the entire track within about a month. Then, gradually increase the distance you are running until you can run a full mile without stopping. You don’t necessarily have to run this mile quickly; however, running a full mile in 3 months as a concrete goal will prove that you are getting in better shape.

Swim 100 Yards Continuously in the Pool by the End of the Month

If you happen to have issues with your ankles, knees, or hips, then a zero-impact sport might be better for you. Swimming is a great way to burn a lot of calories and get in better shape. One length of the pool is 25 yards, in many cases. Even though you might not be able to swim across the entire pool without stopping, if you do this exercise regularly, you might be able to swim 100 yards continuously by the end of the month, proving to yourself that you are getting in better shape.

Try to Run a Lap Around a Track in Two Minutes By the End of the Summer

If your goal is to run faster, then set an objective New Year’s resolution for yourself to try to run a lap around a track in 2 minutes by the end of the summer. If you can run a lap around the track by the end of the summer at this speed, this is an 8-minute mile pace. Even though this might sound quick, you can start by doing sprints back and forth across the field inside the track. Then, you can time yourself once per week to see if you are getting faster.

Run 20 Flights of Stairs in a Single Workout by the End of the Month

If you would like to add muscle mass while also completing a cardio workout, stairs are a great way to do this. Stairs are surprisingly challenging, mainly if you run up and down continuously. Set a goal to run 20 flights of stairs in a single workout by the end of the month. You don’t necessarily have to do them without stopping; however, if you can find stairs at a local track, this is a great way to get in better shape.

If this seems like a New Year’s resolution you want to adopt, but you don’t have the fitness level to carry it out, rest assured, you have time. Just like Noom. You take small steps, one flight at a time for instance, and add little by little until you reach your goal. Let Noom help you lose weight for the last time with a free trial offer!

Train for and Run a 5K by the Summer

One of the most common goals that people set for themselves is to run a 5K. A 5K is about 3.2 miles. This does require training regularly. Think about signing up to run a 5k at the end of the summer with a friend. Then, you can hold each other accountable, ensuring that you encourage each other along the way.

Track Every Workout in a Journal for This Year

If you want to make sure you are getting in better shape, you should keep a workout journal to watch your progress. Furthermore, when you chronicle your progress in a journal, you will hold yourself accountable. Set a New Year’s resolution to track every workout in a journal this year. Write down what went well, what didn’t go well, and what you think you can improve.

Go to the Gym for at Least 30 Minutes Six Days Per Week

If you want to see consistent results in your fitness routine, then you need to exercise regularly. Set a goal for yourself that you are going to go to the gym for at least 30 minutes, six days per week. Even if it is only to walk on the treadmill for a half-hour, this is progress. Eventually, you will be able to push yourself harder, whether you are trying to run on a treadmill or lift weights.

Sign Up for an Intramural Sports League

If you want to socialize as part of your fitness routine, think about signing up for an intramural sports league. There is a good chance that there is a softball league, a frisbee league, or a basketball league in your local area. Check out your options, talk to your friends, and see if any of them will participate with you. This is a great way to get in better shape while also having a bit of fun.

Complete a Ten Mile Bike Ride by the End of the Month

If you are worried about the damage that running might do to your knees, think about biking instead as a New Year’s resolution. Biking is an excellent workout for your heart as well as your quads, calves, and core. Make sure that you put safety first and always wear a helmet. Then, see if there are any bike trails in the local area. By gradually increasing your biking distance by a few miles at a time, you should be able to reach 10 miles by the end of a single month.

Sign Up for a Workout Class at the Gym (and go)

There are probably fantastic workout classes at your gym. If you are worried that you will not hold yourself accountable by going on your own, then think about signing up for a class. The class will probably send you reminders to attend. You can meet other people who have the same fitness goals as yourself, holding each other accountable while also getting in better shape.

Participate in Aqua Cycling at the Local Fitness Center

If you are looking for something creative, then explore the possibility of aqua cycling. By pedaling a stationary bike in the water, this will add a bit of resistance, making the workout a bit more challenging. Therefore, you should burn more calories in the same amount of time while also getting in better shape.

Take an Aerobics Class at the Local Gym

Cardio workouts are the best way to burn calories quickly. If you don’t want to run regularly, think about signing up for an aerobics class at the local gym. You will be able to socialize during the workout while pushing other people in the class, helping to hold yourself accountable. Furthermore, you will also benefit from the instructions of a trained fitness professional.

Train for and Complete a Sprint Triathlon by the End of the Summer

If you are looking for a bit of variety and your cardio workouts and New Year’s resolution, think about signing up for a sprint triathlon. You will have to run, bike, and swim to complete a sprint triathlon. You will work your heart and a variety of muscle groups as well.

Run a Mile in Under 10 Minutes by the Start of the Summer

If you want to set objective goals for yourself, think about running a single mile in under 10 minutes by the summer. This will take some practice, with plenty of interval training along the way; however, if you time yourself regularly as you run around a track, you will be able to track your results and watch yourself improve. This is a fulfilling New Year’s resolution to complete.

Complete a Trial Class at the Local Gym with a Personal Trainer

It can be helpful to set specific goals for yourself to stick to your New Year’s resolutions. Think about signing up for a trial class at the local gym with a personal trainer. Usually, the gym will offer you a single class for free or at a discount. A personal trainer can then let you know what you are doing well and what you need to improve. That way, you can figure out if personal training classes are right for you while also having someone hold you accountable for your New Year’s resolution.

Develop a Weekly Fitness Routine and Stick to it for a Whole Month

One of the best ways to stick to your fitness resolution is to plan your weekly routine ahead of time. Try setting a weekly fitness routine. Then, try to stick to it for the entire month. For example, you might run 3 days a week, lift weights 3 days a week, and do core workouts on the seventh day. When you invest your time into a fitness routine, you are more likely to stick to it.

Try a Virtual Workout on a Virtual Reality System

As something creative, think about trying a virtual workout on a virtual reality system. These virtual reality systems have come a long way and can keep you moving, helping you get in better shape. You might find aerobics classes, yoga classes, or even dance classes that will keep you moving while you are in a virtual reality headset.

Get a Step Tracker and Walk 10,000 Steps Per Day for a Month

One of the top ways for you to hold yourself accountable is to get a step tracker. Shoot to walk 10,000 steps per day for a whole month. That way, you will know that you are burning calories while also sticking to your fitness routine. A fitness step tracker will also let you see an estimate of how many calories you have burned in many cases.

Get at Least 7 Hours of Sleep Per Night for a Month

If you want to make sure you get the most out of your fitness routine, then you need to get plenty of sleep. Shoot to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night for a full month. That way, you know you will wake up rested, ready to attack your fitness routine the next day. This will help you get in better shape while also taking care of your mental health as well.

Convince One Other Person to Go to the Gym Every Week

To stick to your fitness routine, it is helpful to have someone who can hold you accountable. Try to convince one new person to go with you to the gym every week. That way, everyone will get in better shape together while also holding each other accountable to stick to their New Year’s resolution. This can also be a fun way to socialize, as well.

Sign Up For and Try an Online Yoga Class

An excellent way for you to get in better shape while also taking care of your joints is to try an online yoga class. You can now perform yoga from the comfort of your home with nothing but an internet connection and a yoga mat. Yoga is a great way for you to improve your flexibility, mobility, and range of motion. Furthermore, this will also get you in better shape.

You may not think yoga is much of an exercise, but guess what? It’s hard to hold those positions for lengthy times. You’ll find yourself sweating fiercely in no time. There’s are tons of things to learn about exercise and weight loss that open new doors to success. Check out Noom‘s free trial offer to learn more tips and tricks today!

Try a Winter Sport Before the Weather Warms Up

It can be hard to run outside during the winter because it is slippery. If you don’t like running in the cold, think about trying a winter sport. Skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing are all great sports that you can try in the snow. Furthermore, this is also an excellent way for you to try something new, which could turn into a vacation for the entire family.

Walk a Full Mile Per Day at a 3.0 Incline on the Treadmill

By walking a single mile every day, you can burn a surprising number of calories, particularly if you increase the incline on the treadmill to 3.0. Think about turning up the incline on the treadmill. Then, watch the calories fall off. You can increase the challenge by avoiding grabbing the horizontal bar on the treadmill.

Take the Stairs Instead of the Elevator Every Day for a Month

A simple fitness resolution that you can make to get yourself in better shape is to take the stairs instead of the elevator every day for a full month. It is tempting to take the elevator, particularly if you have to walk up five or six flights of stairs. Instead, take the stairs, get a bit of extra exercise, and keep yourself in better shape. The more stairs you have to walk, the more calories you are going to burn.

Sign Up for a 5K Run with at Least One Friend

If you want to find a way to push yourself in your fitness routine, sign up for a 5K a few months from now as a New Year’s resolution. Also, sign up for this 5K with a friend. That way, you can both hold each other accountable, preventing the other one from bowing out. Then, you can get in shape with your friend so you can run that 5K together, proving to yourselves that you can do it.

Do 20 Push-Ups In a Row By the End of the Month

Push-ups are a great way to increase your core and upper-body muscle strength. Push-ups can get tiring quickly. Set a New Year’s resolution to do 20 pushups in a row by the end of the month. Make sure that you keep proper form, centering your shoulders directly over your hands. This will help prevent you from getting hurt while you do your push-ups. Furthermore, make sure that you keep your back in line with their shoulders and hips, which will prevent you from developing back pain.

Spend at Least One Hour Outside Every Day for a Month

A simple fitness New Year’s resolution can be to spend at least one hour outside every day for a month. It doesn’t matter what you do outside. Think about walking, gardening, or even mowing the lawn. Spending time outdoors is essential for improving the health of your bones, as sunlight triggers your body to produce vitamin D. Furthermore, by moving continuously outside, you will burn calories, staying in shape.

Get Certified To Go Scuba Diving

If you want to go on an adventure for a New Year’s resolution, think about signing up to get scuba-certified. You have to get in some semblance of shape to go scuba diving, as you will have to swim underwater. There is your motivation. Reward yourself for getting in better shape by taking a look at the unique plants and animals that live under the surface of the ocean.

Sign Up and Complete a Dance Class with a Partner

A fun way to get yourself in better shape is to go dancing. There are plenty of dance classes available such as Tango dancing, ballroom dancing, and even salsa dancing. By continuously moving during your dance routines, you are going to get in better shape. Therefore, sign up for these dance classes with a partner! Then, you and your partner can learn something new while also getting in better shape together as a New Year’s resolution.

Complete a 5-Mile Hike Before the End of the Spring

If you like nature, then think about going on a hike as a New Year’s resolution. Hiking is a great way to get in better shape, particularly if you carry a backpack with water bottles, food, and first aid kits in it. Set a goal for yourself to complete a 5-mile hike by the end of the spring. Check out some of the mountains and trails that are in the local area. Then, think about how you can accomplish your goal. Always remember to hike with a friend. Never hike alone.

Sign Up For a Take a Tennis Lesson with a Partner

Try a new sport as part of your New Year’s resolution. Think about signing up for a tennis lesson with a partner. Tennis is an enjoyable ball sport that will also help you get your cardio fitness in. You’re going to have to run after the ball, so this is sure to burn some calories along the way. Sign up to play tennis with a partner so that you can watch your skills improve.

Walk Around the Neighborhood Every Day for a Month

As a simple New Year’s resolution, make a promise to yourself to walk around the neighborhood every day for a month. You don’t necessarily have to walk far or quickly. Instead, simply shoot to walk for between 30 minutes and 45 minutes per day. If you would like some help sticking to your resolution, try to convince a friend or a family member to go with you. This can also be an excellent way for you to de-stress after a long day at work.

Complete a Workout With a Partner Five Times Per Week for a Month

To get in better shape, lose weight, and improve your athletic abilities, you will have to work out consistently. Set a New Year’s resolutions to find a partner to exercise with you 5 times per week for a full month. This could be as simple as walking together or something as complicated as pushing each other at the gym. By completing workouts with a partner, you will hold each other accountable, sticking to your fitness plan.

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Complete a Cardio Workout 3 Days Per Week, 30 Minutes Per Day, for a Month

Cardio workouts are a great way to burn calories. If you are starting from scratch, set a small goal. Complete a cardio workout 3 days per week, for 30 minutes per day for an entire month. Start by walking for 1/2 hour per day. Then, as you get better, you can transition this workout into half walking and half running. Furthermore, you might even be able to throw in a few flights of stairs as well to increase your muscle strength. Eventually, you should be able to run for 30 minutes continuously as part of your workout every day.

Complete a 30-Minute Strength Training Workout Twice Per Week for a Month

It is also essential for you to complete weight-bearing exercises regularly. This is important not only for your muscle health but for your bone health as well. Set a New Year’s resolution that you will complete a 30-minute strength training workout twice per week for a month. This could be something as simple as lifting 5-pound weights. It is helpful for you to work various muscle groups to make sure that you are getting the most out of this weight training exercise.

Hold a Plank for a Full Minute by the End of the Month

You must keep your core in shape. Set a New Year’s resolution that you will hold a plank position for a full minute by the end of the month. At first, you might not even be able to hold a plank position for 10 seconds. Therefore, you know this will be a challenge for you, which is the goal of a New Year’s resolution. If you are starting from scratch, think about beginning the plank position on your knees. The full plank position should be a push-up position. Then, gradually increase the amount of time you can hold a push-up position with your knees off the ground. Make sure that your back is in line with your shoulders and hips to prevent back pain. Eventually, you should be able to hold this plank position for a full minute, proving to yourself that your core is getting stronger.

Complete a 10K with a Partner by the End of the Year

If you want to set a long-term fitness New Year’s resolution, think about running a 10K with a partner by the end of the year. A 10K is 6.4 miles. This is a long way; however, you do not necessarily need to run this race quickly. Proving to yourself that you can finish a 10K is a great way to demonstrate your physical fitness. At the same time, the end of the year is a long way away. It is helpful to sign up for the 10K with a partner. Then, you can hold each other accountable, ensuring that you can complete this 10K together.

Complete a Class at an Indoor Trampoline Park

If you are looking for fitness-focused New Year’s resolution, smart goals that are also creative, think about signing up for a class at an indoor trampoline park. One of the top reframing goals for physical fitness is finding ways to get in shape that are also enjoyable. When you are asked to complete creative, aerobic jumping workouts at an indoor trampoline park, you are sure to look at fitness in a whole new way. Think about looking for an indoor trampoline park in the local area. Then, set New Year’s fitness goals that involve signing up for a class at this trampoline park. They have everything from gymnastics to dodgeball, basketball, and other sports as well. Think about signing up to go with a partner as well. Then, you can hold each other accountable and get in shape together.

Meditate at the End of the Day for 10 Minutes Every Day for a Month

When it comes to a health and fitness New Year’s resolution, it is also important to meditate. Emotional and mental health are just as important as physical fitness. Therefore, after your workout, think about meditating at the end of the day for 10 minutes every month. This New Year’s resolution will help you focus on why you’re getting in better shape, the progress you are making, and what you can do to improve. Meditation will help you get the most out of your workout.

Complete an Open Water Swim by the End of the Summer

Think about embracing a New Year’s resolution challenge. Sign up to complete an open water swim by the end of the summer. Open water swimming is very different from pool swimming. In addition to a total lack of lane lines and chlorine, your visibility is also going to be impaired, adding to the challenge. At the same time, open water swimming is also incredibly enjoyable. The scenery is going to change continuously, you are going to notice exciting plants along the way, and this is a swim that you get to accomplish with other people. Consider signing up to compete in an open water swimming race. This is a fun New Year’s resolution that is sure to get you in better shape along the way.

Stick To 2021 Fitness New Year’s Resolution Choices For Success

These are just a few of the top ideas for New Year’s fitness resolution in 2021. New Year’s resolutions involving fitness are notoriously hard to stick to. You can increase your chances of sticking to your fitness resolutions this coming year by planning them ahead of time, strategizing for how you will complete them, and trying to get other people to try these resolutions with you. That way, you can increase your physical fitness and improve your overall health!

Weight loss is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. You can lose weight this year for the last time with Noom. The program is focused on psychology and uses personal and group coaches to keep you focused and on track for the duration. Every day you learn something new that will take you one step closer to your goal. Check out the free trial offer today!

50 Healthy Ideas for a New Year’s Resolution: Fitness

What is a realistic weight loss timeline?


A realistic weight loss timeline depends on a person’s current weight, lifestyle and nutrition habits. Generally speaking, it is recommended to lose between one and two pounds a week for sustainable weight loss. That means that if your goal is to lose 20 pounds, a realistic timeline would be 10 to 20 weeks.

Article Sources

  1. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  2. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  3. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  4. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  5. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  6. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  7. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  8. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591

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