Omnitrition Diet Review – 17 Things You Need to Know

Omnitrition Diet Review 

											- 17 Things You Need to Know
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Omnitrition is a range of products that take pride in US-made products with the ‘highest standards of quality assurance.’ Some of their homeopathic supplements, however, contain the FDA bans HCG, which we soon discovered. Additionally, little research suggests the hormone is effective for weight loss.

Our research team has concerns with questionable products that don’t back their claims with real data, so our research team intensely reviewed Omnitrition claimed benefits, like rapid weight loss. In the end, we examined their supplements, like hCG Drops and protein shakes, from top to bottom to figure out if they are both safe and effective.

Omnitrition Diet can be purchased through their Official Site.

Omnitrition Diet Readers: Noom is offering our readers a risk-free trial, for a limited time. Click here for more information!

What is Omnitrition?

Omnitrition consists of a range of nutritional products from the United States-based manufacturer Omnitrition International Inc., which describes itself as a multilevel marketing establishment based in Reno, Nevada. They currently have an “A+” rating.

It was founded in 1992 to provide quality weight loss, nutritional, and general health and wellness products. The company promotes its multilevel diet supplement program with the phrase “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”

Omnitrition International, Inc. also offers individuals the opportunity to sell and distribute Omnitrition products directly, with the dovetailing goal of earning money while embarking on the Omnitrition weight loss journey themselves.

The Omnitrition charge for official distributor membership is a one-time fee of $49.95, enabling sellers to earn commission via direct sales of multilevel diet supplement programs and company merchandise to friends, family, and often even conventions. Distributors are called “independent marketing associates.”

omnitrition mlm

Each membership comes with a basic training DVD as well as various Omnitrition-related recipes.

Omnitrition is primarily known for its Omni Drop program, a weight loss droplet formula engineered for rapid weight loss combined with a prescribed diet and an active lifestyle and exercise regimen. The Omni drop program includes sublingual drops that contain homeopathic HCG. The Omni drop costs $90.85 for 4 fl. oz. bottle.

The plant-based diet plan promises up to a pound a day of weight loss when strictly adhered to alongside rigorous exercise. Omnitrition offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on all products purchased from the website.

It’s important to note that science has a thing or two to say about the hCG diet craze.

  • Evidence-Based Practice – Experts suggest that hCG when partnered with a very-low-calorie diet, doesn’t impact overall weight loss. It’s the diet that causes a reduction in weight, not hCG.
  • Evidence-Based Practice – Another issue of the same journal shares that even if the hCG is injected by a healthcare professional, there’s no improvement in weight loss over the diet alone.
  • Functional Foods in Health & Disease – Basically, the hCG Diet is nothing more than a fad, but let’s see if Omnitrition can convince us otherwise.

The original Omnitrition hCG drops ingredients included homeopathic doses of:

  • HCG 3x6x12x30x60x
  • Vitamin B-12 3x6x12x30x60x
  • Natural Phosphate 3x6x12x30x60x
  • Magnesium Phosphate 3x6x12x30x60x

The Omnitrition hCG drops do not contain human chorionic gonadotropin, a natural hormone produced during pregnancy. It claims that the minute, practically non-existent homeopathic dose of HCG works within the body to stimulate natural HCG production.

When taken as a dietary aid, many nutrition experts assert that it allows users to drastically reduce caloric intake without the usual side effects of a caloric deficit.

Omnitrition claims that strict adherence to its products and plan can help users lose a maximum of 12 pounds in two weeks.

UPDATE: As of April 2019, Omni hCG drops are no longer listed for sale on the official website, but there is an Omni Diet guide and recipe product listed. Upon further investigation, the Omni drops are included with the guide and recipes, though that’s not evident on the product page as no picture of the bottle is included.

UPDATE: As of February 2022, Omni Drops are back without hCG in the name. The product claims to supply hCG, vitamin B-12, magnesium phosphate, natrum phosphate and colloidal mineral water.

Omnitrition Diet Competitors

Instant Knockout
Plexus Slim

Other similar products: Cardio Cuts


Omnitrition Ingredients – What is in Omnitrition?

According to Omnitrition, the company itself provides full nutritional information and a complete Omnitrition ingredients list. However, you must be an Independent Marketing Associate (aka distributor) or be purchasing under such a person to get access to their website and the information.

While no studies or other research are focusing on Omnitrition products or diet plans, some studies have been conducted on many of its ingredients.

omnitrition product ingredients

One meta-analysis in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology focused on assessing the scientific validity of the therapeutic use of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in treating overweight users. It concludes that there is no such scientific evidence of hCG effectiveness as an adjunct treatment method for obesity.

Additionally, the study did not validate its purported effectiveness in stimulating weight loss through fat redistribution nor in reducing feelings of hunger.

Dr. A.T.W. Simeons was the first to develop an hCG diet to help clinically obese patients in quickly shedding pounds to reach and to maintain a healthy weight.

Subsequent research over 40 years and thousands of case studies conducted by Dr. Simeons shaped the original Simeons hCG diet, which focused on weight management for health reasons rather than cosmetic purposes.

HCG has been used to treat many health issues for over 50 years by the medical community. Again, it is important to note that all scientific research conducted has used injections of hCG and that there is NO clinical evidence that homeopathic hCG drops have any effect on weight loss.

Customer Service

Omnitrition Customer Service Contact Information

  • Address: 5301 Longley Lane H-125 Reno, NV 89511
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Customer Service: (775) 335-4777
  • Product Order: (800) 446-1025
  • Main Number: (775) 335-4700
  • Order Entry Fax: (775) 335-4750
  • Executive Fax: (775) 335-4750
  • Customer Service Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm PST
  • Order Entry: Monday-Friday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm PST

Are HCG Supplements Illegal?

The FDA has published a document stating that all hCG diet products are illegal. This includes all homeopathic hCG products. While the FDA does not evaluate homeopathic supplements, there is an approved list of homeopathic ingredients that may be legally used, and hCG is NOT on this list.

The FDA and FTC have issued seven warning letters to manufacturers of homeopathic hCG supplements. The letters warn that the sale of hCG supplements violates FDA regulations. Promises of legal penalties and criminal prosecution have been made if the manufacturers continue to sell homeopathic HCG drops supplements.

omnitrition hcg warning

The list of manufacturers who received the warning letter from the FDA can be found on the FDA website.

Products targeted include:

  • HCG Diet Homeopathic Drops
  • Homeopathic HCG
  • HCG Platinum, HCG Platinum X-30, HCG Platinum X-14
  • HCG Fusion 30, HCG Fusion 43
  • Homeopathic Original HCG, Homeopathic HCG
  • HCG Extra Weight Loss Homeopathic Drops
  • Alcohol-Free hCG Weight Loss Formula
Omnitrition Diet

The Omnitrition Diet

UPDATE: As of April 2019, we could not find mention of the Omni Diet on the official website. If the information on the Omnitrition diet is missing, that could mean the company no longer suggests the eating plan.

The diet plan is based primarily on plant foods and lean protein.

Supposedly, you’ll receive the benefits of plant nutrients and proteins, helping dieters feel full faster, improve and sustain energy levels.

The Omnitrition hCG diet plan consists of four phases.

The Omnitrition Diet Phase 1

The first phase is often overlooked. A high-calorie, high-fat diet is eaten for 2-3 days while taking the hCG drops. The first phase is called the loading phase. Following the loading phase is a strict three-phase plan.

The Omnitrition Diet Phase 2

The second phase is quite strict (500-700 calories) and requires close adherence and self-discipline. Exercise is part of phase 2.

The Omnitrition Diet Phase 3

The third phase, the low-calorie intake term, allows for less food and caloric restriction. Rest is encouraged.

The Omnitrition Diet Phase 4

The fourth phase, the maintenance phase, aims to provide a sustainable, ongoing diet plan.

The Omnitrition diet allows:

  • Fresh vegetables (except white potatoes and a few specific plants)
  • Moderate portions of fruit (particularly raspberries)
  • Organic lean meat and poultry (including wild-caught seafood)
  • Organic eggs
  • Specific superfruits such as Maca root, goji powder, lucuma, and pomegranate
  • Raw nuts and seeds
  • Coconut, almond, macadamia nut, grapeseed, and olive oils
  • Dried beans and lentils (in moderation)
  • Herbs and spices, both fresh and dried

omnitrition diet herbs and spices

The Omnitrition diet plan does not allow:

  • Gluten
  • Dairy
  • Grains
  • Soy
  • Simple carbohydrates
  • Artificial sweeteners

They also recommend taking a daily multivitamin and supplementing with fish oil, vitamin D, magnesium, and probiotics.

Alcohol is prohibited in Phase 2. Phase 3 allows moderate amounts of alcohol (preferably none at all). It’s recommended to limit overall alcohol consumption to two glasses of wine or cocktails per week. Omnitrition approved foods do not include gluten in any phase.

Omnitrition Diet Phase 1

The loading phase. This phase is sometimes overlooked but is allegedly essential to the success of the diet. The phase lasts for 2-3 days and consists of consuming a high-calorie, high-fat diet.

HCG injections or Omni drops must be taken during this phase, and every phase forward. HCG is said to trigger fat burning during this phase.

Omnitrition Diet Phase 2

Phase 1 consists of two full weeks. The Omnitrition hCG diet plan promises users will see and feel fast, perhaps immediate changes.

The diet centers around a 70/30 ratio, which asserts that 70% of weight loss is due to diet, while the remaining 30% is due to exercise.

During phase 2 of the Omnitrition diet plan, users may purportedly achieve a weight loss of up to fifteen pounds as well as noticeable improvements in digestion, energy levels, mood, and even clearer skin.

The protein- and plant-based diet is too restrictive. Amen encourages clients to experiment with different Omnitrition approved food combinations and exercise ratios.

Although phase 2 may be difficult, those who stick it out will feel better and stronger for having done so.

omnitrition diet four phases

Omnitrition Diet Phase 3

Omnitrition Phase 3 lasts for a duration of approximately 21 to 45 days. This phase is defined by its harsh calorie restrictions and allows users four ounces of protein and vegetables, specifically half a cup each. Phase 3 dieters are also allowed two pieces of fruit for lunch and dinner.

Though the plan does not allow breakfast, dieters may eat a small serving of fruit in the morning. Alcohol is likewise discouraged during this phase. The plan does encourage Melba Toast; dieters are allowed two slices maximum per day.

Omnitrition asserts that Rapid weight loss continues during phase 3, culminating at up to ten pounds. This regimen also requires taking 30-40 Omnitrition Omni Drops per day as well as Omni 4 Liquid.

Omni 4 Liquid packs a minimal 45 calories per serving. Users are advised to drink ½ to 1 full gallon of water a day. This phase encourages users to increase their workouts and to start a food journal to track both healthy and unhealthy eating habits.

Omnitrition Diet Phase 4

The fourth phase — or the “maintenance” phase, as Omnitrition phase 4 is called — is 21 days long. Here, the diet plan calls for double portions of protein and vegetables.

During the maintenance stage, users gradually reintroduce dairy and other foods back into their diets. One strategy to monitor and maintain weight loss results is to do a weigh-in every morning.

If dieters are experiencing hunger in this phase, either an apple or a tomato is allowed as a late-night snack. Users are encouraged to stick with this maintenance program.

Some claim their metabolism slows until it fully reverts to its original state. Per ongoing weight management instructions, Omnitrition encourages participants to maintain phase three on 80 percent of all meals, while there are no restrictions for caloric intake (regarding either foods or beverages). During the maintenance phase onward, the list of Omnitrition approved foods expands.

Side Effects

Omnitrition Diet Side Effects

Since most of Omnitrition’s ingredients are natural, it is believed that its products are widely considered safe for use by most healthy adults. However, as with any food or nutritional supplements, there are subsets of individuals who are more susceptible to adverse side effects due to medical conditions or medications taken.

In particular, users are encouraged to check with a medical professional regarding this diet’s recommendations for coconut oil (which is high in saturated fat).  The interesting ingredient in its formula is HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy. HCG has a wide array of side effects, including:

  • Stomach pain
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue

omnitrition diet side effects

HCG can cause early puberty in young boys as well as these side effects:

  • Acne
  • The growth of pubic hair
  • The rapid increase in height

Omnitrition Diet Benefits

Omnitrition is designed to help anyone with the drive and determination to lose weight and to dedicate themselves to a healthier, fitter, and more disciplined lifestyle. The most significant purported benefit of its products is rapid, sustained weight loss achieved in a balanced, healthy way.

Advantages to consistent use of the program also include purportedly include a dramatic decrease in sugar and carbohydrate cravings, by reducing sugar and other harmful additives, the phases of this program promise to decrease pain, swelling, and inflammation.

The Omnitrition eating plan also offers the advantage of a low-cholesterol diet due to its plant-based food plan. It also limits starchy carbs and sugar.

Also, Omnitrition asserts that benefits to strict adherence to this nutritional plan include improved digestion, clearer skin, and more sustained energy and mental focus.


Omnitrition Products

The Omnitrition cost of its extensive health and wellness products varies considerably. Omnitrition markets weight-loss products, including:

  • Protein shakes
  • Supplements
  • Omnitrition drops
  • Fiber supplements
  • Hair and nail growth supplements

omnitrition hair and nail formula

Omnitrition offers both liquid and capsule supplements as part of their weight loss line.


Omnitrition Alternatives

Omnitrition vs. Plexus Slim

Plexus Slim is another multilevel diet supplement program, so it is hard to tell if reviews are real or not. The main product is called the “Pink Drink” and is a powdered mix that claims up to 1 lb of weight loss per month by increasing good bacteria in the digestive tract and using metabolism-boosting ingredients. Users are also encouraged to take Plexus Block- a supplement that is used to burn fat.

  • This product promotes probiotics and “metabolism boosters” as its approach to weight loss.
  • No specific diet is included with supplements.
  • Ingredients are typical of weight loss supplements and have little science backing the claims.

Omnitrition vs. Isagenix

Isagenix is also an MLM (pyramid scheme) marketing plan that relies on promotion and reviews gathered by the people selling it. The weight loss product, IsaLean, is a powdered shake designed as a meal replacement. Isagenix recommends 1 to 3 shakes a day as a way to get high nutrition while cutting calories.

  • Powdered shake is said to detox the body while offering high nutrition.
  • Shakes replace meals; meals are very low calorie.
  • Isagenix claims high-quality, organic ingredients, but lists items like “fructose,” which is not useful for weight loss.
  • Isagenix is expensive- “systems” run from $200- $400 for a 30 day supply.

Omnitrition vs. HCG

HCG is a hormone secreted by the placenta of a pregnant woman. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed promising results using hCG for overweight users.

  • Calorie intake was low, 500 calories, accompanied by hCG supplementation.
  • HCG was administered by daily intramuscular injection
  • Oral homeopathic hCG was never used, and it’s effectiveness is unproven

omnitrition vs herbalife mlm

Omnitrition vs. Herbalife

Another MLM marketing strategy company- noting any trends here?- Herbalife was founded in 1932 and states its focus on “weight management.”

  • Shakes are used as meal replacements.
  • Replaces 1 or 2 meals with a third “healthy” meal suggested
  • Despite claims of high nutrition, ingredients include GMOs, MSG, fructose, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, and colorants

Omnitrition vs. Shakeology

Yup- another MLM multilevel diet supplement program. Claims include weight loss, reduction in cravings, increased energy, support good health with the inclusion of vitamins, high-quality proteins, and plant superfoods/adaptogens.

  • Shakes are made with water and ice blended with the product and used as a low-calorie meal replacement.
  • Expensive- $129 +shipping for 30 servings
  • Reviews on taste are mediocre.

Omnitrition vs. Thrive Patch

MLM, yes again. Thrive Patch uses dermal fusion technology (DFT) that allows you to absorb nutrients directly through the skin vs. taking pills or shakes. Claims include weight management, improved cognition, better digestion, immune boost, healthier joints, muscles, age-defying, and antioxidant ingredients. However, there are no clinical trials to back up any of these claims.

  • Purchasers must sign up to access information and products.
  • Meal replacement shakes and oral supplements are used in conjunction with a daily patch
  • Claims are not backed up by any peer-reviewed science

Omnitrition vs. Trim Down Club

The only company that is not an MLM business model. This option is a completely online program that encourages real eating food vs. meal replacement drinks or supplements. The cost is low (less than $10/mo), and there are no additional items to buy.

  • The plan encourages avoiding the “5 worst foods”: fruit juice, margarine, whole wheat bread, processed soy, processed meats
  • Personal menu plans from your favorite foods
  • 8-week weight loss plan

Omnitrition Diet Concerns and Considerations

omnitrition concerns and considerations

The Omnitrition meal plan has, like any diet program, strengths and limitations in its prescribed method to help users lose weight. It may be a good fit for some while others may benefit from an alternative weight loss solution. Here are a few key points of concern for anyone considering this particular program:

  • At this time, there is no specific research supporting the efficacy of the Omnitrition HCG diet plan or any of its products.
  • There has been one Omnitrition lawsuit to date regarding the safety and efficacy of the Omnitrition hCG drops.
  • The first two phases of the diet program are very restrictive and might be difficult for some dieters to follow.

However, this plant- and the protein-based program also has plenty of positives.

One of the best aspects of the Omnitrition eating plan is that most of its calories come from non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins, which help to cut down on body fat and to shed inches.

Also, both men and women participants of this diet program have primarily reported that they did not experience typical adverse effects associated with calorie restriction, such as physical weakness, tiredness or mental dullness.

Those who have a hard time with willpower may find this diet plan too restrictive to stick to on an ongoing basis and may want to seek out a more food-diverse option instead.


Omninutrition Lawsuits

In 2017, someone sued Omninutrition and around 100 unnamed independent marketing associates based on claims of “illegal and deceptive practice of manufacturing, promoting, marketing, selling, and distributing” over-the-counter weight-loss products, called Omni Drops, which contains human chorionic gonadotropin (“hCG”), a hormone that has been prescribed to assist weight loss.  Allegedly relying on Defendants’ representations and advertisements that users will experience “significant and rapid weight loss,” the plaintiff purchased Omni Drops and was “misled into purchasing and paying for a product that is not as represented. The case was ultimately dismissed, and claims for relief were denied.

What Users Are Saying

What Users Are Saying

“These 2 products work well even though the Omni drops and diet program didn’t work for me.”

“This product definitely works well with my Omni drops! Can’t go without it.”

Bottom Line

The Bottom Line on Omnitrition

You’ve visited, read Omni Drops reviews, and even learned about the Omnitrition HCG Diet Plan. But, do the products offer more than others? We’re not sold that this company is better than others in the same market, so we’re hesitant to say, “Yes, these products WILL work.”

If you want to drop those pounds, there’s are products out there backed by research and positive user feedback that aren’t your everyday programs.

One of the products we like the most is a clinically-proven weight-loss app called Noom. The program packs human coaching, personalized menus, expert support and more into a small smartphone app. We love the fact that it works, but more than that, we love that clinical research proves it’s effective.

The company behind the weight-loss app is so confident you’ll see results with Noom that they’re offering a free trial offer to Dietsupplement readers.

Learn More About Noom »

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Omnitrition Diet

What is Omnitrition?


Omnitrition is a range of nutritional products from a US-based multilevel marketing establishment called Omnitrition International Inc. that provides quality weight loss, nutritional, and general health and wellness products.

What is the Omni Drop program?


The Omni Drop program is a weight loss droplet formula engineered for rapid weight loss combined with a prescribed diet and an active lifestyle and exercise regimen. The plant-based diet plan promises up to a pound a day of weight loss when strictly adhered to alongside rigorous exercise.

What are the side effects of Omni?


Omni another name for Omnitrition, side effects include increased heart rate and elevated blood pressure, as pulled from some customer comments.

What is in Omnitrition?


Some Omnitrition ingredients include synephrine HCL, caffeine, green tea and coffee powder.

What is the active ingredient in Omnitrition?


The active ingredient in Omni varies by product, but most contain green tea.

Where can I buy Omnitrition Diet?


Omnitrition Diet can be purchased using their Official Site.

What is the cost of the Omni drop?


The Omni drop costs $90.85 for a 4 fl. oz. bottle.

What is the BBB rating for Omnitrition International?


Omnitrition International is not accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB). The company has a “A+“ rating based on issues like failure to respond to complaints.

How do you take Omnitrition products?


You take Omnitrition products based on the label instructions. Typically, you’ll use the supplements once per day.

What are the Omni drops?


Omni Drops is used to lose weight with a droplet formula that is designed to be used while dieting, which can lead to a pound of weight loss each day. Maintaining a diet is necessary with the droplets because the supplement cannot work on its own.

Who makes Omnitrition?


Omnitrition International makes Omnitrition.

Does Omnitrition work?


Omnitrition claims that it is scientifically proven, but no clinical research is available from the company. We do know caffeine and green tea have some support in the weight-loss community, but when combined with coffee powder and synephrine HCL the risk of side effects increases substantially.

Is Omnitrition FDA approved?


Omnitrition products are not FDA approved.

How much weight can you lose on Omnitrition?


Omnitrition claims users can lose 1-2 pounds a day using their product.

What is the maximum weight loss promised by Omnitrition?


Omnitrition claims that strict adherence to its products and plan can help users lose a maximum of 12 pounds in two weeks.

What can you eat while on Omnitrition diet?


The Omnitrition diet emphasizes eating whole foods, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Foods allowed on the Omnitrition diet include lean meats like chicken, turkey, and fish; fruits; vegetables; nuts; seeds; legumes; and whole grains. Dairy products are limited or excluded altogether from the diet. Fats should come from sources such as avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, and nuts. It is important to follow the dietary guidelines of the Omnitrition plan carefully in order to get the most out of it.

What is the Omnitrition charge for official distributor membership?


The Omnitrition charge for official distributor membership is a one-time fee of $49.95, enabling sellers to earn commission via direct sales of multilevel diet supplement programs and company merchandise to friends, family, and often even conventions.

What is the role of distributors in Omnitrition?


Distributors are called “independent marketing associates” and are individuals who sell and distribute Omnitrition products directly. They can earn commission via direct sales of multilevel diet supplement programs and company merchandise.

What is the role of the basic training DVD provided with Omnitrition distributor membership?


Each membership comes with a basic training DVD, which provides training and various Omnitrition-related recipes.

What is the hCG Drops product of Omnitrition?


The hCG Drops of Omnitrition is a homeopathic supplement that contains a minute, practically non-existent homeopathic dose of HCG that works within the body to stimulate natural HCG production.

Is there scientific evidence of hCG effectiveness as an adjunct treatment method for obesity?


One meta-analysis in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology concluded that there is no such scientific evidence of hCG effectiveness as an adjunct treatment method for obesity.

Is there a money-back guarantee on all products purchased from the Omnitrition website?


Yes, Omnitrition offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on all products purchased from the website.

What are the contact details for Omnitrition customer service?


The contact details for Omnitrition customer service are as follows: Address: 5301 Longley Lane H-125 Reno, NV 89511, Email: [email protected], Customer Service: (775) 335-4777, Product Order: (800) 446-1025

Are homeopathic hCG drops effective for weight loss?


No, there is NO clinical evidence that homeopathic hCG drops have any effect on weight loss, although hCG has been used to treat many health issues for over 50 years by the medical community, all scientific research conducted has used injections of hCG.

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