A Healthier Recipe New Year’s Party: Ring in the Year Light

A Healthier Recipe New Year’s Party: Ring in the Year Light
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With the holidays quickly approaching, people are starting to make their holiday plans. These plans probably involve food. If this sounds like you, you need to think about how you will keep your recipes healthy if you are trying to stick to a diet and lose weight. You probably have a few traditional New Year’s Eve foods that you eat. This could include baked macaroni and cheese, a guacamole recipe, even a special dessert pie. On the other hand, you might be thinking about trying to make a healthier recipe this year. The good news is that there are ways that you can still enjoy these traditional meals without destroying your diet in the process.

Apple Pie

A Traditional American New Year’s Eve Dessert: Apple Pie

Many people feel that there is nothing more American than apple pie. On the other hand, America is also suffering from an epidemic when it comes to obesity. Unfortunately, apple pie is not making this any easier. According to information that has been published regarding traditional apple pie, some of the key nutrition facts to note include:

  • Serving Size: 1 pie slice (about 1 slice of a 9-inch pie)
  • Calories: 410
  • Total fat: 19.4 g (4.7 g saturated fat)
  • 327 mg of sodium
  • Carbs: 57.5 g
  • Protein 3.7 g

The calorie content and sodium content to grab your attention quickly. If you have a single slice of traditional apple pie on New Year’s Eve, this is already 20% of your calories for the day, assuming you are targeting 2000 calories daily. The good news is that there is a way to make this recipe healthier.

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Another Option: A Reduced-Calorie Apple Pie

This is a healthier recipe for a traditional apple pie. Featuring a homemade pie with fresh, crisp apples, the crust is also topped with specialized sugar and brushed with jam. This is a great way to add a bit of extra flavor without driving up the calorie content.

To make this recipe, you will need:

  • About two and a half pounds of mixed apples such as Gala or Granny Smith
  • 1/2 cup of light brown sugar
  • A tablespoon of vanilla extract
  • A tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
  • 3 tablespoons of all-purpose flour
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon
  • A single, large egg white
  • 2 tablespoons of either turbinado or raw sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of melted apricot jam

To make this healthier recipe, you should:

  • Start by peeling, coring, and cutting the apples into slices about a quarter of an inch thick.
  • Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Add some flour to your fingers. With one hand, pinch the crust’s edge to form a series of peaks around the edge of the pie. Keep the pie plate stable as you do this. Once you have your pie crust into position, freeze it for about 10 minutes. It should feel firm when it is done.
  • Take the sliced apples. Toss them together with brown sugar, vanilla extract, lemon juice, cinnamon, and all-purpose flour.
  • Place the filling in concentric circles in the pie. Brush top edges with egg white. Sprinkle the top with turbinado sugar.
  • After this, place the pie in the oven. Place it in the center of the center rack for about 45 minutes. The apples should be tender, and the crust should be golden brown. If you feel like the crust is browning faster than the apples are cooking, consider covering the pie crust with foil.
  • Finally, remove the pie and brush with apricot jam. Allow the pie to cool, slice, and serve.

Overall, this pie will provide the same great taste like a traditional apple pie; however, the nutrition facts tell a much different story compared to a classic apple pie. The nutrition facts of this healthier recipe are:

  • Serving Size: 1 slice of a 9-inch pie
  • Calories: 298
  • Total fat: 8 g (5.7 g saturated)
  • Carbs: 54 g
  • Fiber: 3 g
  • Protein: 4 g

This healthier recipe provides you with greater than a 25 percent reduction in calories. Even though this recipe still has a fair number of carbs, there is a way to reduce this number.

A Low-Sugar Option: Reduced Carb Apple Pie

Everyone likes the sweet taste of apple pie. Sadly, this sweet taste often means an incredibly high carbohydrate content. The good news is that there is a way to fix this. This is a unique twist on a classic dessert that many people love on New Year’s Eve. By cutting some of the sugar, this recipe becomes much healthier.

Because this healthier recipe contains Granny Smith apples, it may taste a bit tart for some people, particularly with a lot of the sugar removed. To fix this, consider serving this apple pie with some low fat, low sugar frozen yogurt. This is a great way to add the sweetness back into the pie without rolling up the carbohydrate count. You can also choose a calorie-free sweetener if desired.

To make this healthier recipe, you will need:


  • 1 cup of all-purpose flour
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 3 tablespoons of cold water
  • ¼ cup of chilled butter


  • 2 cups of Granny Smith Apples
  • 2 cups of Gala apples
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • ¼ cup of brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 1 ½ tablespoons of all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar

To make the pie crust, you should:

  • Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Gather the ingredients. Start by combining the flour with the salt in a large mixing bowl.
  • Use either a pastry blender or two knives to cut in the chilled butter. Divide it into small pieces before adding it to the bowl.
  • Sprinkle the ice water into the mixture. Add the water to the mixture one tablespoon at a time. In between each addition, mix the bowl with a fork to spread the water evenly.
  • Form the dough into a ball. Roll the dough into a circle that is approximately 11 inches in diameter. You can add the dough between two sheets of plastic wrap coated in cooking spray if you would like to keep the dough from sticking.
  • Place the dough in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. This should keep it firm and uniform.
  • Get a pie plate that is about 9 inches in diameter. Press the dough into the pie plate after removing the plastic wrap. Make sure the edges are firm. Consider folding in the edges with your fingers. Set the pie crust aside.

To make the filling of the apple pie, you should:

  • Peel, core, and cut the apples into small pieces. Then, add the small apple slices to a large mixing bowl. Toss the apples with lemon juice.
  • Get a separate mixing bowl and combine the sugar and flour that is still left. Mix the ingredients. Then, pour the ingredients over the apples that have been mixed with the lemon juice. Use a couple of forks to mix everything.
  • Once everything has been mixed thoroughly, pour the filling into the pie crust set aside earlier.
  • Take the remaining butter and cut it into small pieces. Distribute evenly on top of the pie filling.
  • Place the entire thing in the oven and bake it at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10 minutes. After this, turn the heat down to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Bake the pie for an extra 30 minutes.
  • Remove the pie from the oven and cool before cutting it into small slices and serving it.

Similar to the other recipe, if you notice the crust is browning too quickly, consider creating a foil ring and covering the edges. Then, place the pie back in the oven.

This healthier recipe for apple pie will reduce the calorie count and cut most of the sugar out of the recipe. The nutrition facts for this healthier apple pie recipe include:

  • 199 total calories per slice
  • 10 g of fat
  • 2 g of protein
  • 28 g of carbs

With about half of the other apple pie recipes’ carbohydrate content, it is clear that this recipe is significantly healthier. Remember that this healthier recipe can taste a bit tart due to the Granny Smith apples. Therefore, consider serving the pie with some low sugar frozen yogurt. This will add some sweetness back to the recipe without increasing your carb count dramatically.

Macaroni and Cheese

Traditional New Year’s Eve Comfort Food: Macaroni and Cheese

When it comes to traditional New Year’s Eve celebrations, there is sure to be some comfort food there. After all, many people are trying to forget about the trials and tribulations of the prior year by indulging their palette. On the other hand, macaroni and cheese does not make for a healthier recipe. According to information that has been published by the Food and Drug Administration on homemade regular macaroni and cheese:

  • Serving size: 1 cup
  • 500 calories
  • 24 g of fat
  • 53 g of carbs
  • 3 grams of fiber
  • 837 mg of sodium

There are several reasons why this homemade recipe is not that healthy. Even though it is true that this macaroni and cheese is probably delicious, it tends to have very high-calorie content. It is also filled with carbohydrates. Finally, it is impossible to talk about this recipe without highlighting the sodium content. The vast majority of people should shoot for around 2,300 mg of sodium per day. According to the Centers for Disease Control research, excessive sodium content can lead to long-term health complications. Keep in mind that this recipe above is for homemade macaroni and cheese. It is not unusual to see pre-packaged macaroni and cheese, including macaroni and cheese from restaurants, that features more than 1200 mg of sodium in a single serving.

Therefore, to avoid these health complications while also reducing the calorie and carbohydrate content, it is a good idea to look at a healthier recipe that can serve as alternatives during a New Year’s Eve celebration. That way, everyone can still enjoy one of their favorite comfort foods without ruining their diet.

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A Twist on the Traditional Recipe: Reduced Calorie Macaroni and Cheese

In addition to reducing calories, this healthier recipe is also designed to create a richer flavor with macaroni and cheese. One of the most common mistakes people make is that they add cream to their macaroni and cheese for a richer flavor. Unfortunately, the cream also drives up the calorie content in a hurry. Instead, this recipe uses squash as an ingredient.

To make this healthier recipe, you will need:

  • One package of whole-grain pasta of your choice
  • Half of an onion, diced
  • One and a half cups of reduced-fat milk
  • 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter
  • 4 oz of reduced-fat cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 4 oz of gruyere cheese, shredded
  • One package of pureed squash
  • ½ tablespoon of salt
  • ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • ½ cup of toasted breadcrumbs

To make this healthier recipe, you should:

  • First, cook the pasta according to the directions on the package. Then, drain the pasta and set it aside.
  • Take out a pot and melt the butter in it over medium to high heat.
  • Add the onion next. Cook the onion until it is translucent, which should take about five minutes.
  • Add the flour next and stir it until it is bubbling. This should take about 30 seconds. Continue to cook, stirring continuously, for two to three minutes.
  • Next, add milk to the mixture. Cook it until the mixture turns thick, which should take about three minutes. Whisk the milk as you add it, ensuring that it mixes evenly. Continue to whisk as it thickens.
  • Finally, stir in the cheddar cheese, gruyere cheese, pureed squash, cayenne pepper, and salt. Mix well. Add the pasta to the pot last.
  • Stir all the ingredients together, ensuring that the mixture coats everything evenly.
  • You can serve the macaroni and cheese with bread crumbs on top.

This is a relatively straightforward recipe that makes healthier macaroni and cheese. The point is to reduce the calorie content. The nutrition facts of this healthier recipe are:

  • 354 calories
  • 17 g of protein
  • 47 g of carbs
  • 300 mg of sodium
  • 12 g of fat (6.5 g of sat fat)

Not only does this healthier recipe provide a nice calorie reduction, but it also provides a nice sodium reduction. Featuring less than 1/2 of the milligrams of sodium of traditional homemade macaroni and cheese, it is clear that this recipe is significantly healthier. On the other hand, this recipe still features a tremendous load of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is a good idea to look at another recipe that will significantly cut the carb count.

Another Option for Healthier Macaroni and Cheese: Cauliflower and Cheese

This healthier recipe is designed to create creamy, cheesy macaroni and cheese that will indulge the palette. It is also prepared with bacon, cauliflower, and cheddar cheese. This recipe is specifically designed to reduce the carbohydrate count of macaroni and cheese. That way, you will be able to enjoy this recipe without driving up your cab count. This is ideal for anyone who has to count carbohydrates, particularly for those with chronic medical conditions that might need to limit their carbohydrates. Replacing pasta with cauliflower will cut the carb count significantly.

To make this healthier recipe, you will need:

  • A single head of cauliflower, cut into separate florets
  • A pinch of salt
  • ¾ cup of reduced-fat milk
  • ¼ cup melted butter
  • A cup of mozzarella cheese
  • 3 oz of softened cream cheese, cut into cubes
  • Four slices of bacon, diced, cooked, and made crispy
  • 2 cups of cheddar cheese, shredded
  • Black pepper to taste
  • A teaspoon of garlic powder
  • Chili powder to taste
  • Parsley to act as garnish, optional
  • An additional ¼ cup of Parmesan cheese and an extra tbsp of melted butter to act as the topping

To make this healthier recipe, you should:

  • Start by preheating the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Take out a large pot or a large saucepan. Add a pinch of salt to it. Place one inch of water in the pot or pan and bring the water to a boil.
  • Next, add the cauliflower florets to the boiling water. Cook florets for about 8 to 9 minutes. Cauliflower should look tender and crisp.
  • Once the cauliflower has been cooked thoroughly, drain it in a colander. Set the cauliflower aside.
  • Take out a baking dish that is approximately 9 in by 13 in. Pour the butter into the baking dish, spread it to coat, and set it aside.
  • Take the same pot that was just used for cooking the cauliflower. Pour the milk into the pot. Set it over medium heat.
  • Add cream cheese to the milk. Whisk the cream cheese into the mixture until it has melted completely.
  • Add the parsley, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and chili powder. Stir the spices into the mixture thoroughly.
  • Add both the mozzarella cheese and the cheddar cheese. Mix everything until the cheese has melted.
  • Add the cauliflower florets back to the pot. Use a large spoon to stir until everything is thoroughly covered in the cheese sauce.
  • Transfer the cauliflower mixture to the baking dish with the butter in it. Sprinkle any remaining cheese on the dish and set it aside.
  • In a small bowl, combine the parmesan in the remaining butter. Melt the butter and stir the entire mixture until it has been incorporated. Sprinkle the mixture on top of the cauliflower and cheese.
  • Place it in the oven. Bake it for about 18 to 20 minutes, uncovered. The dish should look hot, bubbly, and crispy when finished.
  • Remove the cauliflower dish from the oven. Garnish it with bacon and parsley. It should be ready to serve.

This is a much lower-carb version than traditional macaroni and cheese. If you would like to make it even healthier recipe, you can use fat-free cheese, turkey bacon, fat-free cream cheese, and fat-free milk. That will significantly reduce the calorie and fat content of this recipe as well. The nutrition facts of this version of macaroni and cheese are as follows:

  • Total calories: 605
  • Total fat: 48 g (27 g sat fat)
  • Sodium: 961 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 13 g (6 g sugar)
  • Protein: 32 g

This healthier recipe has its benefits and drawbacks. Even though this features a meager carbohydrate count, the fat and sodium contents are a bit high. Remember that you can cut the calorie content and fat content by swapping the reduced-fat milk, cream cheese, and bacon for turkey bacon, fat-free cream cheese, and skim milk.


Heading South of the Border with Guacamole

If you have been to New Year’s Eve parties recently, you know that Hispanic and Central American foods are often featured. One of the most common dishes that tend to show up at these gatherings is guacamole. Made with avocado, this is a delicious, delectable recipe that is perfect for cucumbers, carrots, chips, and more. At the same time, guacamole might not be as healthy as people think. Guacamole is indeed made with vegetables; however, the calorie and fat content tend to be high. Some of the nutrition facts of traditional guacamole include:

Serving Size: 1 oz of Guacamole (about 2 tablespoons)

  • 44 calories
  • 4 g of fat
  • 2.7 g of carbs
  • 1 g of protein

If you were looking for nutrition facts for a cup of guacamole, which is a typical serving size, you would need to multiply all of these numbers by eight.

  • 352 calories
  • 32 g of fat
  • 21.6 g of carbs
  • 8 g of protein

Guacamole packs significant calorie content and fat content. If you eat this dish with traditional chips, the calorie content is only going to go up. The good news is that there is a way to make this popular dip just a bit healthier.

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Lower-Calorie Guacamole

This healthier recipe is designed to cut the calorie content of traditional guacamole without sacrificing the taste. The dish will also cut the fat content as well. That way, you will be able to enjoy this delicious dip without having to worry about your diet.

To make this healthier recipe, you will need:

  • 1 large zucchini, peeled and cut into ½ inch cubes
  • 1 large avocado, ripened and cubed
  • ¼ cup of fresh chopped cilantro
  • ¼ cup of onion, chopped fine
  • 2 tablespoons of lime juice
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • Hot sauce and salt to taste

To make this healthier recipe, you should:

  • Take the zucchini that has been cut up and add it to a microwave-safe dish. Cover the dish with a damp paper towel and set the microwave on high. Cook it for about 4 to 5 minutes until it is tender. Once it is finished, drain it in a sieve and press lightly on the zucchini with a covered hand to extract any liquid that might be left.
  • After this, transfer the zucchini to a large bowl.
  • Add the avocado, onion, cilantro, lime juice, hot sauce, garlic, and salt to that bowl.
  • Mash all of the ingredients until they are smooth.

You can refrigerate this dish for up to a day before you serve it. For many people, this dish tastes better cold. Furthermore, this dish is also going to taste better because nutrition facts are that much healthier.

Nutrition facts of this healthier recipe include:

  • Serving Size: 1 cup
  • 192 total calories
  • 15.4 g of carbohydrates
  • 3.4 g of sugar
  • 15.2 g of fat with 2.2 g of saturated fat
  • 3.6 g of protein

This version of guacamole is significantly healthier. Using zucchini as a replacement for some traditional ingredients, it is possible to reduce guacamole’s calorie content significantly. That way, you can fill up on this dish without having to worry about ruining your diet.

New Year’s Noodles

Crossing the Pacific Ocean: New Year’s Noodles

There’s nothing like a New Year’s celebration with stir-fry noodles for those who travel the Pacific Ocean. This is one of the most versatile recipes because people can customize this dish to include chicken, shrimp, pork, steak, and various vegetables. As a result, it is possible to enjoy several types of stir-fry noodles at a single celebration.

On the other hand, this doesn’t necessarily mean that stir-fry noodles are healthy. While the calorie content of stir-fry noodles might not be that high, one of the significant issues for many people trying to stick to a diet is the carb count. According to some recipes, it is not unusual to see stir-fry noodles with close to 30 grams of carbohydrates in a single cup. Keep in mind that this number is before all of the other ingredients are added to it. Therefore, the final carb count can be significantly higher.

The good news is that there are ways to make this recipe a little bit healthier. Learn how to choose better foods and create healthier recipes with Noom. A free trial offer is available to all readers today!

Lighter Style New Year Noodles

This healthier recipe is a twist on traditional Singapore New Year noodles. With the variety of flavors, this is sure to have people asking for more. Because the carb count has been reduced significantly, this is a dish that can be enjoyed guilt-free!

To make this healthier recipe, you will need:

  • One packet of angel hair shirataki noodles
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame oil
  • 2 slices of bacon that have been sliced into thin pieces
  • 5 oz of chicken thigh meat, sliced thin
  • One clove of garlic chopped fine
  • One small onion, sliced thin
  • One stick of celery, sliced thin
  • 3 oz of cooked shrimp
  • Two teaspoons of curry powder
  • One bunch of bok choy, sliced
  • 2 oz of bean sprouts
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce without sugar

To make this healthier recipe, you should:

  • First, open the noodles. Place them into a colander and run them under hot water for approximately 3 minutes. Leave the noodles in the colander, allowing them to drain.
  • Next, prepare the remaining ingredients and make sure that they are ready to add the mixture quickly.
  • Heat a large wok or a nonstick frying pan over high heat. Add the sesame oil to the wok.
  • Add the bacon to the dish and saute it for approximately 1 minute.
  • Next, add the chicken and garlic to the dish. Saute them for about 2 to 3 minutes. They should be browned all over.
  • After this, add the onion and celery into the pan and saute them for about 2 minutes. Stir the dish continuously.
  • Add the shrimp and curry powder to the dish next. Make sure to stir them well.
  • Push all the ingredients to the side of the pan. Create a spot in the middle for the noodles. Add the noodles to the center and stir all the ingredients together.
  • Saute everything for approximately 2 minutes before you add the sugar-free soy sauce to the dish.
  • Finally, add the bok choy and bean sprouts to the dish last. Toss all of the ingredients thoroughly. Ensure all of the ingredients are covered in the sauce. Continue to cook for about 2 minutes. This will allow the bok choy to soften slightly.

Once everything is cooked, remove the dish from the heat and serve. Even though this dish’s calorie content will be similar to traditional New Year noodles, the carb count will be less than 5g for 1 serving. This healthier recipe makes two servings total, so you may need to bump up the ingredient count for a crowd. Furthermore, you can even customize this recipe more if you would like. For example, if you are looking for spicy noodles, you can add a hot sauce of your choice to provide it with a bit of a kick. This is one of the most versatile dishes of traditional Asian New Year’s celebrations. One of the top healthy dinner options is commonly featured not only on December 31st but also during Lunar New Year celebrations.


Over in Europe: Ringing in the New Year with French Pancakes

Finally, let’s take a look at traditional New Year’s Eve foods in Europe. One of the most popular dishes is European pancakes! There are plenty of ways to eat pancakes ranging from powdered sugar to mangoes, apples, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, and more! Lots of people like to top their pancakes with maple syrup or switch up the dough. Unfortunately, pancakes are not the healthiest dish when it comes to their nutrition facts. Typical pancakes often include:

  • 520 calories for 2 pancakes with butter and syrup
  • Close to 91 g of carbs
  • 14 g of fat
  • 8.3 g of protein
  • 0 g of fiber

With a whopping 91 grams of carbs, this is an issue. This type of carb and sugar intake can lead to significant long-term health complications that might impact the eyes, kidneys, and nerves. Fortunately, there are ways to make pancakes healthier.

Let’s Talk About Crepes

Lots of people in Europe prefer to swap out the maple syrup for a fresh fruit topping instead. While fruit does still have some carbs, it doesn’t have anywhere close to maple syrup’s carb content. It is possible to make this a healthier recipe by swapping out traditional flour for whole wheat flour. While this will take care of some of the nutrition issues related to pancakes, it will not take care of all of them. That is where a healthier recipe is critical.

If you are looking for a healthier way to ring in the New Year in Europe, then why not go French and try some crepes instead? Crepes are a great way to enjoy pancakes with a slightly different but no less delicious recipe! This recipe cuts out most of the calories and carbs without sacrificing any of the taste. Furthermore, you can still fill these crepes with strawberries, blueberries, or anything else your palate desires!

To make this healthier recipe, you will need:

  • Access to a blender, measuring cups, a stove, and a skillet
  • 1 cup of whole wheat flour
  • ½ cup of skim milk
  • ½ cup of water
  • 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
  • 2 medium eggs, cage-free if desired

To make this healthier recipe, you should:

  • Pull out the blender and add these ingredients to the blender in this order: milk, water, sugar, vanilla, then flour.
  • Grab a small bowl and crack open the eggs. Add the contents to the bowl but make sure you do not get the shells in there.
  • After this, add the eggs to the blender and turn it on. Make sure the ingredients are allowed to blend until they look smooth. Ideally, you should let the mixture sit in the fridge for about an hour until you cook the crepes.
  • When you are ready to cook the crepes, allow the skillet to warm up over medium heat. After this, measure about ¼ cup of batter and pour it into the warm skillet.
  • Allow the crepe to bubble slightly. Once the crepe looks like it is starting to come up off of the pan around the edges and appears to be drying out, flip it over.
  • Allow the other side to cook for about 20 to 30 seconds.
  • After this, the crepe is done, so remove it from the pan!
  • Repeat these steps for all crepes and enjoy them!

You can fill the crepes with a variety of toppings. This includes nuts, fruit, chocolate, peanut butter, and plenty of other options! The nutrition facts for these crepes are as follows (this does not include any potential toppings):

  • Serving size: 1 crepe
  • 77 calories
  • 13 g of fat
  • 24 mg of sodium
  • 25 mg of potassium
  • 12 g of carbs
  • 1.3 g of sugar
  • 4 g of protein

These crepes have far fewer carbs and boast a much lower caloric load than traditional pancakes. This is a great dish to serve at a New Year’s Eve party this year! Think about cooking some crepes and placing them out with a topping bar. Then, let everyone customize their crepes for a nice, guilt-free dessert! One of the top secretly healthier recipes, they still taste delicious even with the swapped ingredients!

Make a the Traditional, Healthier

Make Traditional New Year’s Eve Meals Healthier

These are just a few of the most common foods people tend to enjoy on New Year’s Eve. If you have a New Year’s Eve celebration coming up, then you might want to find ways to stick to your diet even while ringing in the New Year with a healthier recipe or two.

It doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice your favorite foods. Instead, it merely means that you need to think about ways you can make them healthier and that’s where a program like Noom comes into play.

Why not give the app a try with a free trial offer and put a few of these recipes to the test? You might find that less sugar, fewer calories, and a more nutritious meal also tastes better.

Article Sources

  1. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  2. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  3. https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/341110/nutrients
  4. https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/sodium.htm
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27757935
  6. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  7. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  8. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  9. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  10. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  11. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  12. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  13. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591

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