CoolTone Review – 14 Things You Need to Know

CoolTone Review 

											- 14 Things You Need to Know
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Watch a movie, watch TV, or flip through a magazine, and you’ve probably seen CoolTone. Celebrities and actors commonly use this beauty enhancement process to achieve their defined muscles, toned abs, and sleek silhouettes. Modern technology allows you to lose fat and tone up your muscles in just a matter of minutes without any downtime. Noninvasive procedures are gaining popularity, and new devices are being introduced every year.

The latest FDA-cleared product is CoolTone, courtesy of Allergan, known for its CoolSculpting and Botox products. The device is FDA cleared for CoolTone treatments of the abs, thighs and buttocks. However, it is worth noting that despite the device’s name, it does not involve any form of freezing, unlike CoolSculpting, which freezes fat cells and kills them.

CoolTone can be purchased through their Official Site.

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What is CoolTone?

what is cooltone

CoolTone is a magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) technology that you can use to achieve better muscular tone, definition, and strength without undergoing invasive surgery. This body-contouring device targets strengthening and toning muscles. 

The treatment uses MMS, which sends electromagnetic currents into your muscles, causing them to contract. Essentially, the body responds to these involuntary contractions by strengthening the muscles below the targeted areas. With CoolTone, thighs, abs and buttocks appear more toned post-treatment.

Let’s check out some research into this body sculpting procedure.

  • Dermatologic Surgery – Research shows the electromagnetic muscle stimulation (EMMS) used by CoolTone is best used in conjunction with sister product CoolSculpting. EMMS alone finished last behind CoolSculpting + EMMS and CoolSculpting alone.
  • Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – “Early clinical experience indicates that MMS technology is well-tolerated and associated with high levels of patient satisfaction when used for contouring of the abdomen and buttocks.”
  • Lasers in Surgery and Medicine – “Treatment of the abdomen and/or buttocks with MMS was well-tolerated and demonstrated significant improvement in aesthetic appearance through the 12-week post final treatment study duration. As a stand-alone treatment, MMS expands the range of options for individualized treatment planning for patients seeking abdominal and/or gluteal muscle toning.”

What is Body Sculpting?

If you are not familiar with the term “body sculpting,” let us explain this noninvasive procedure, growing in popularity. Cryolipolysis, which is marketed as CoolSculpting, destroys fat cells using cold temperatures and avoids frostbite to the overlying skin. 

Researchers discovered that fat tissue can be damaged by cooling it to temperatures that do not damage the surrounding skin, nerves, blood vessels, or muscle tissue. A non-invasive alternative to liposuction, the procedure targets fat that is resistant to diet or exercise, according to Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

This treatment involves significantly cooling the affected areas with a cold applicator, which resembles a vacuum attachment. According to the location specified for fat reduction, the level of coldness and duration of the cold temperature varies. After several minutes, the technician massages the cooled tissue. After several weeks, the body absorbs the dead fat cells.

These noninvasive body contouring procedures (i.e. energy-powered devices) often aim to enhance body shape by reducing subcutaneous fat deposits, says the Aesthetic Surgery Journal. Despite improving aesthetics in some patients, this approach fails to address the underlying muscles, an important factor in overall body shape. 

CoolTone is the latest noninvasive fat-reduction device to enter the market. It enhances muscle tone using magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) and addresses the underlying issue of muscle development. Many of the most popular body sculpting methods like CoolSculpting and SculpSure, unlike CoolTone, work by killing fat cells in these target areas, as shared by Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology.

CoolTone Competitors

Sono Bello

Who Created CoolTone?

who created cooltone

CoolTone originated from Zeltiq Aesthetics, which was acquired by Allergan. In May 2020, a press release was published sharing that Allergan had been acquired by AbbVie – one of the leading medical companies out there today. 

AbbVie develops, manufactures, and markets branded products such as prescription medications, medical aesthetics, eye care, gastroenterology care, and central nervous system care. Its pharmaceutical products include CoolSculpting (cryolipolysis), Botox (botulinum toxin), Juvederm (injectable fillers), and many others.

How to Contact CoolTone Customer Service

CoolTone customer service is now a part of the AbbVie family. You can use the following methods to reach out to a representative.

Toll-free phone (1): 1-800-255-5162

Toll-free phone (2): 1-800-222-6885

Headquarters address:

1 N. Waukegan Road
North Chicago, Illinois 60064 

AbbVie and the Better Business Bureau (BBB)

AbbVie is not accredited by the BBB, but this accreditation is not required. The trouble lies in the fact that the company has a rating of D- and a customer review rating of 1 out of 5 stars. Fifteen complaints have been closed in the last 36 months, with 12 of those being in the last 12 months. According to the BBB, the reason for the low score is because of, “Failure to respond to 12 complaint(s) filed against business.”


What are CoolTone Claims?

According to Allergan, CoolTone “is FDA-cleared for improvement of abdominal tone, strengthening of the abdominal muscles, and development for firmer abdomen. CoolTone is also FDA-cleared for strengthening, toning, and firming of buttocks and thighs.”


How Does CoolTone Work? CoolTone Benefits

cooltone benefits

CoolTone body contouring works by delivering electromagnetic energy directly into layers of muscle through an applicator placed over the treatment area – typically your belly, buttocks, or thighs. The treatment bypasses skin and fat (which are poor conductors of magnetic energy) and stimulates muscle fibers directly, according to research in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

CoolTone can produce as many as 25,000 muscle contractions with hundreds of pulses per second during a thirty-minute treatment. Although the result might be comparable to performing thousands of crunches in one session, you will not feel the same pain or have days of soreness afterward. Treatment intensity can also be adjusted to the patient’s comfort level.

As soon as your treatment is complete, you’ll leave the office and resume your regular daily routine. With CoolTone, there is no downtime. Some other benefits include:

  • Little gym time
  • Toned muscles
  • No pain from gym workouts
  • Full workout in a 30-minute session
Weight Loss

CoolTone and Weight Loss – Any Connection?

CoolTone by CoolSculpting tightens and tones targeted muscle fibers. Muscle size can be increased by damaging the muscle fibers and then building them back up through an increase in protein consumption, based on research published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal. The journal also revealed that, after one year, total abdominal fat reduction of nearly 15% from using EMMS technology.

CoolTone strengthens the muscle fibers instead. So, while you won’t increase the size of the muscles, you will tighten and tone them, which will improve their physical shape. 

CoolTone stimulates muscle contractions, which help build and tone muscle tissue. Building muscles has been documented to increase a person’s metabolism, resulting in an increased metabolic rate. During this time, you may be burning fat faster than before. 

Side Effects

Possible CoolTone Side Effects

possible cooltone side effects

The side effects of CoolTone are what you’d expect from a muscle stimulator. Some pain is normal. You may feel: 

  • Tendon or joint tenderness
  • Minor swelling
  • Temporary muscle spasms 

After a few sessions, you’ll likely get used to the sensation.


How Much Does CoolTone Cost?

The price of CoolTone treatments will vary depending on the location. Each practice sets its own prices. 

The CoolTone cost of four sessions one provider in New York City is approximately $3,400, or $850 per session. However, another CoolTone provider, also in NYC, offers treatments at $600 a session and 20% off four sessions bringing the total to less than $2,000. 

Compare that to a provider in Illinois who charges a maximum of $400 per session, but prepaid packages can bring that price down to $250 per session. 

How Many CoolTone Treatments are Needed?

Based on several treatment providers, most people start with six sessions. They are scheduled for two sessions per week for a total of three weeks. But, not everyone responds the same way, so technicians will work with each client to create a personalized treatment plan. 

Can You Use CoolTone at Home?

Performing CoolTone at home is not recommended, since it requires skill and technique that’s taught to technicians. Properly trained, certified personnel can perform the procedure safely and effectively. However, there are personal electronic stimulation devices sold for use at home.

CoolTone vs. Emsculpt

CoolTone Vs. Emsculpt

cooltone vs emsculpt

Both CoolTone and Emsculpt stimulate muscles and the machine cost is similar, but Emsculpt reduces fat, while CoolTone only tones muscle. Emsculpt is currently FDA-cleared to treat arms, calves, abdominals, buttocks, and thighs, whereas CoolTone is FDA-cleared for abs, thighs and buttocks. Emsculpt is also unique among body sculpting procedures in that it primarily stimulates muscles rather than reduces fat. 

The Emsculpt machine works by focusing high-intensity electromagnetic energy to trigger supramaximal contractions. This type of contraction is not possible with voluntary muscle contractions. 

We also have to mention that Emsculpt isn’t too happy with CoolTone, as you’ll see in the lawsuit section below.


CoolTone Lawsuits and Legal Action

Emsculpt and CoolTone are nonsurgical fat reduction therapies, including Allergan’s fat-freezing CoolSculpting. The devices, in this case, use a variety of technologies to target muscle groups such as the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. Similar technologies have led to two lawsuits against Allergan.

BTL Aesthetics, the manufacturer of Emsculpt has filed an infringement lawsuit against Allergan, the manufacturer of CoolSculpting. “The lawsuit asserts that the Cooltone device, manufactured by Zimmer for Allergan, infringes on BTL’s U.S. patents. The lawsuit further asserts that Allergan’s Coolsculpting, when used before, or after the Cooltone therapy, infringes on BTL’s U.S. patent for the therapeutic application of the two technologies.”

In a second lawsuit, BTL Industries alleges Allergan misled consumers about CoolTone by comparing its own technology. Specifically, the lawsuit alleges that Allergan’s social media ads, sales materials, and marketing materials make deceptive comparisons of CoolTone to Emsculpt and misrepresent Allergan’s product performance.

Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons


  • Can sculpt your stomach, thighs, and buttocks without surgery.
  • The procedure is easy and fast.
  • Helps strengthen targeted areas, leading to functional and cosmetic improvements.
  • Can be performed under a thin layer of clothing, which contributes to the comfort of some patients.
  • Inspired patients to recommit to balance diet and lifestyle choices.


  • Benefits depend on the patient’s fitness level.
  • Not effective for treating stretched or sagging skin.
  • Results may not appear right away.
  • Not approved for arms and legs.

What Users Are Saying

What Users Are Saying

“I never write reviews but Cooltone has ruined my life. I had Cooltone on the abdominal area. I ended up with the worst pain in my groin and hip flexor muscles. It’s ruined me! I have pain walking, biking and simple yoga moves. If you are thinking about Cooltone, don’t do it! I regret it every day.”

“I did Cooltone to prep for my wedding. I had four treatments on my abs. I definitely noticed my abs were more toned. The procedure isn’t painful. Definitely beats a workout. What I didn’t anticipate was the strength and balance benefits I would gain. I noticed an improvement in my workouts. I wasn’t as clumsy and had more stamina during weight lifting. I also had less lower back pain. I would highly recommend this procedure if you’re willing to continue treatments. Maybe one or two every few months. I think it’s a great boost to your normal fitness routine, but you do need to be in shape a bit for the value to last.”

“I had my first CoolTone treatment yesterday on my buttocks. The machine was turned up to 98% for most of the 30 minutes. I was expecting to be pretty sore after and I felt absolutely nothing. I was reading some more information on it and am now thinking I wasn’t a good candidate for this as I may have too much fat in my buttocks area or not enough muscle.”

Bottom Line

Bottom Line on CoolTone Results

It’s common knowledge that fat reduction gets most of the attention in the world of body contouring, but CoolTone can help build muscle mass and definition more effectively than you could in a gym. For optimal results, a balanced diet and regular exercise are recommended. With CoolTone by CoolSculpting, you can get a one-two punch. There is no substitute for the gym, and physical activity has many psychological benefits. Although CoolTone cannot transform the body completely, it can boost your self-confidence.

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What is CoolTone?


CoolTone is a noninvasive body-contouring device that uses magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) technology to target and tone muscles in areas like the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.

How does CoolTone work?


CoolTone sends electromagnetic currents into your muscles, causing them to contract involuntarily. These contractions help strengthen and tone the muscles below the targeted areas.

How is CoolTone different from other body contouring procedures?


Unlike other body contouring procedures that target fat cells, CoolTone focuses on strengthening and toning muscles to enhance body shape.

Which is better CoolTone vs CoolSculpting?


It really depends on your individual goals and lifestyle, but generally CoolTone is better for toning muscle, while CoolSculpting is better for eliminating fat.

What are the claims made about CoolTone?


Allergan, the manufacturer of CoolTone, claims that it is FDA-cleared for improvement of abdominal tone, strengthening of the abdominal muscles, and development for firmer abdomen. CoolTone is also FDA-cleared for strengthening, toning, and firming of buttocks and thighs.

Where can I buy CoolTone?


CoolTone can be purchased using their Official Site.

How many muscle contractions can CoolTone produce in a single treatment?


CoolTone can produce as many as 25,000 muscle contractions with hundreds of pulses per second during a thirty-minute treatment.

Does CoolTone increase muscle size?


No, CoolTone does not increase muscle size. It strengthens and tones muscles, improving their physical shape.

Can CoolTone help burn fat?


Building muscles has been documented to increase a person’s metabolism, resulting in an increased metabolic rate. During this time, you may be burning fat faster than before.

What are the side effects of CoolTone?


Some pain, tendon or joint tenderness, minor swelling, and temporary muscle spasms are normal side effects of CoolTone.

Is CoolTone safe?


CoolTone is generally safe for most people. However, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider before undergoing any body contouring procedure.

How many CoolTone treatments are needed to see results?


It may take several CoolTone treatments to see significant results. The number of treatments needed varies depending on the individual’s goals and the targeted areas.

Does insurance cover CoolTone treatments?


CoolTone is considered a cosmetic procedure, and insurance typically does not cover it.

Who is a good candidate for CoolTone?


Good candidates for CoolTone are generally healthy individuals who have stubborn areas of muscle that are difficult to tone with exercise alone. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if CoolTone is right for you.

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