GNC Lean Shakes Review – 22 Things You Need to Know

GNC Lean Shakes Review 

											- 22 Things You Need to Know
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GNC products are everywhere in popular diet culture, and Lean Shakes is one of their newer products. GNC claims that Lean Shakes reduce weight in combination with a reduced-calorie diet. While this may be true, any consistent reduction in calories will lead to weight loss, and there does not appear to be anything proprietary this product that makes it a superior meal replacement.

Still, we asked our team of researchers to look into it. They examined the full list of ingredients, any potentially related side effects, clinical research, and customer service (by checking out user reviews online). We then condensed that information to give you all the facts about GNC Lean Shakes.

GNC Lean Shakes can be purchased through their Official Site.

GNC Lean Shakes Readers: Noom is offering our readers a risk-free trial, for a limited time. Click here for more information!

GNC Lean Shakes Video Review


What are GNC Lean Shakes?

GNC Lean Shakes is a brand of nutritional meal replacement shakes created to help individuals struggling with weight loss to consume a large number of vitamins and minerals while consuming a small number of calories.

GNC Lean Shakes ingredients vary depending on the flavor. For example, Total Lean® Lean Shake™ 25 Girl Scout Thin Mints contain 22 vitamins and minerals, 7g of Dietary Fiber while French Vanilla has 23 vitamins and minerals and 8g of fiber.

GNC claims that the high fiber content (8 grams) and the protein source, whey protein isolate, can help dieters feel fuller and more satisfied when replacing a meal with the GNC Lean Shake.

These shakes exist in some flavors to please a wide range of users. GNC Lean Shakes are to suppress the appetite during the day to help with weight loss goals. To date, the product has received consistently decent results, with some customers claiming to experience reduced hunger for two to three hours after consuming the shakes.

Before we dig deeper into this line of shakes, let’s take a quick look at the science behind some of the ingredients:

Who Makes the Lean Shakes?

GNC Lean Shakes is made by none other than General Nutrition Centers (GNC). The company has been in business for 67 years, but not all have been good years. In June of 2020, they filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy (reorganization). They have been allowed to continue business operations, but they are doing so under court supervision.

GNC has a Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating of F because they’ve failed to respond to more than 30 customer complaints filed with the BBB.

GNC Lean Shakes Competitors

Muscle Milk
Vega One

Other similar products: 310 Shake

Flavors & Taste

GNC Lean Shakes Flavors and Taste

These shakes come in several flavors and are customizable to suit the consumer’s tastes. The GNC Total Lean Shake comes in several flavors:

Lean Shake Classic

Vanilla Bean, Swiss Chocolate

Lean Shake 25

French Vanilla, Banana, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Orange Cream, Rich Chocolate, Cookies and Cream, Girl Scout Thin Mints, Girl Scout Coconut Caramel, Girl Scout Chocolate Peanut Butter

Lean Shake 25 RTD

Vanilla Bean, Banana Cream, Strawberries and Cream, Swiss Chocolate, Peaches and Cream, Cookies and Cream, Girl Scout Thin Mints, Girl Scout Coconut Caramel, Girl Scout Chocolate Peanut Butter, Girl Scout Lemon

Lean Shake Burn

Vanilla Cream, Chocolate Fudge, Strawberry

Lean Shake Burn RTD

Vanilla Latte, Chocolate Mocha

Lean Shake Green

Natural Vanilla, Natural Chocolate

Lean Shake Green RTD

Vanilla, Chocolate

Lean Shake + Slimvance Stim

Mocha Espresso, Strawberry Banana

Lean Shake + Slimvance Non Stim

Vanilla Caramel, Chocolate Peanut Butter

Reports on the taste of this meal replacement shake are mixed. Some purchasers love the flavors, and some say they are terrible. The flavor with the highest number of complaints seems to be vanilla. Some users have also expressed a dislike for the consistency of the shake. Some users said that the shake seemed thin and watered down. However, the texture is alterable to an individual’s taste by adding water if a thinner consistency is desired or adding fruits like banana or avocado for a thicker consistency. Shakes can also be blended with ice to create a thicker texture, and more protein powder is an option.

GNC Lean Shakes Flavors and Taste

The flavors available for GNC Lean Shake are great additions to milkshakes, smoothies, or any other beverage that can make the taste more palatable to an individual. Some consumers have also expressed that the lightly colored flavors have a naturally thin consistency compared to the darker colored flavors like swiss chocolate and mocha.


GNC Lean Shakes Ingredients

GNC Lean Shakes include a variety of ingredients that are intended to support digestive health, suppress appetite, and regulate energy output. The ingredients in a GNC Lean Shake include:

  • Filtered Water
  • Skim Milk
  • Protein Blends
  • Whey Protein Concentrate
  • Calcium Blend
  • Safflower Oil
  • Sunflower Seed Oil

GNC Lean Shake 25 also includes some ingredients that might not be so healthy.

  • Soy
  • Artificial flavors
  • Sucralose
  • Salt
  • Dairy

Clearly, this shake is not lactose-free, and we cannot find any indication that it’s gluten-free either.

GNC Lean Shakes Nutrition Facts

One bottle of 14 fluid ounces of a GNC Lean Shake represents approximately one serving of the beverage. In one serving, consumers can expect to find the following:

  • Carbohydrates: 6g
  • Dietary Fiber: 3g
  • Sugar: 0g
  • Protein: 25g
  • Fat: 6g
  • Saturated Fat: 1g
  • Biotin
  • Vitamin E
  • Pantothenic Acid
  • Copper
  • Selenium
  • Molybdenum
  • Potassium

GNC Lean Shakes Nutrition Facts

GNC Lean Shakes also contain 25% of the daily value of the vitamins and minerals riboflavin, niacin, B-6, folic acid, B-12, Biotin, Phosphorus, Iodine, Magnesium, and Chromium. Consumers who are seeking to lose weight with this product will generally be placed on a lower calorie diet than the standard 2000 calorie diet and should remember to adjust these values to their specified daily caloric intake. Some of the benefits of these specific vitamins and minerals include:

  • Riboflavin increases blood flow and energy production, according to the National Institutes of Health.
  • Thiamin improves cardiovascular system health and blood flow.
  • Vitamin B-6 improves organ function and liver detoxification properties.
  • Folic Acid improves blood circulation and improves the reproductive system in women.
  • Vitamin B-12 increases energy, boosts immunity, and rejuvenates the skin.
  • Calcium improves bone health, per Nutrients
  • Chromium helps to control blood sugar levels.
  • Zinc builds immune system health, according to the National Institutes of Health.
  • Biotin encourages hair and nail growth and might promote healthy breasts.
  • Pantothenic acid controls asthma, relieves stress-related anxiety, and guards against hair loss.
  • Potassium protects against cardiovascular diseases and regulates blood pressure, per the American Clinical and Climatological Association.
  • Copper encourages good brain function, keeps the skin healthy, and boosts immunity.
  • Selenium is a powerful mineral antioxidant and helps grow our bones, per Nutrients

Effects of Protein in GNC Lean Shakes

Whey protein powder isolate is one of the vital active ingredients in the GNC Lean Shakes, and its purpose is appetite suppression. This whey protein has only a small amount of fat from animal sources and provides almost 90% more protein than other hydrolysates. Hydrolysates are broken down proteins for better absorption by the muscles.

By consuming this protein in supplemental or natural form, those seeking weight reduction become six times more likely to lose fat and replace that fat with lean muscle mass through a consistent workout plan.

One serving of the GNC Lean Shake meal replacement yields nearly a fourth of the protein’s daily requirement. For those attempting to limit daily caloric intake to under 1500 calories (as is the case with many diets), a single serving of the meal replacement yields over half of the total daily protein requirement.

By substituting the meal replacement shake for at least two meals each day, consumers may successfully ease cravings while consuming the entire daily protein requirement before dinner.

Good or Bad Calories in GNC Lean Shake

Each serving of a GNC Lean Shake contains about 180 total calories and 20 calories from fat. The calories in the GNC Lean Shakes are derived primarily from the category known as “good calories,” meaning that they have a higher nutritional value for their caloric worth.

Good or Bad Calories in GNC Lean Shake

The calories in GNC Lean Shakes provide the human body with the fuel it needs to complete basic tasks during the day while the shake’s ingredients are supposed to help the body to burn fat stores in addition to calories.

By using this product as a meal replacement for the first two meals of the day, consumers can guarantee that they are consuming only 360 calories and the number of calories eaten during dinner meals. This should create a sufficient calorie deficit to assist with weight loss.

What Does a GNC Lean Shake Do?

GNC Lean Shakes help consumers experience consistent weight loss by limiting the number of calories consumed each day. Weight loss is accomplished by a simple equation that requires that the overweight individual consume fewer calories than their bodies burn in one day. By replacing one or two meals per day with a GNC Lean Shake, consumers may increase the odds that their daily caloric intake will be less than their daily caloric output, resulting in gradual weight loss.

Can GNC Lean Shakes be Meal Replacements?

Meal replacement shakes are a lower-calorie, high nutrition alternative to preparing a meal. However, it is important to get enough calories, protein, and nutrients from your shake replacement, and not all powdered protein drinks fill those needs.

Meal replacement shakes should contain:

  • Around 300-400 calories
  • 15-25 grams of protein
  • A minimum of 5 grams of fiber
  • 10-13 grams of healthy fats

GNC Lean Shakes fall a little short in the calorie department, weighing in at around 200 calories per serving. However, with a whopping 8 grams of fiber and 25 grams of protein GNC Lean Shakes can be a good meal replacement for those on a weight loss diet plan.

Can GNC Lean Shakes be Meal Replacements?

Does It Work?

Do GNC Lean Shakes Work?

If you take on the question of whether or not GNC Lean Shakes works for weight loss, you have to look at the research into meal replacements thoroughly.

Meal replacement shakes and other similar products can be an effective means of reducing calorie intake, and if you stick with a healthy diet and exercise plan, promotion of weight loss. By now, it is no secret to anyone who is trying to lose weight – exercise and good nutrition combined with a reduction in calories is the best way for most of us to obtain weight loss goals.

Now, remember that this is the case for meal replacements, not just GNC Lean Shakes. No research sets this specific product apart from the competition.

Although consumers who used the GNC Lean Shakes have reported weight loss, the product has also received decreased energy complaints about individuals with very active daily lives. Replacing two meals per day with the GNC Lean Shakes deprives very busy people of the caloric intake that their bodies require continuing current activity levels or metabolism.

Side Effects

 GNC Lean Shakes Side Effects

Side effects that have been reported by individuals using the GNC Lean Shakes as meal replacements include:

  • Mild headaches
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Nausea

What about breastfeeding moms? Can they use GNC Lean Shakes? According to the Korean Journal of Pediatrics, food restriction is not needed for mothers.

Nutritionists warn against using meal replacement shakes for kids, though. Young children have different nutritional needs than adults and may be more sensitive to ingredients as well. Meal replacement shakes should only be used occasionally for teens and should be formulated for children. It’s prudent to avoid meal replacement shakes for kids who have not yet reached puberty.


GNC Lean Shakes Benefits

On the other side of the coin, some key benefits of consuming GNC Lean Shakes, or a similar meal replacement product, daily, as reported by the Nutrition Journal, could include:

  • Improved digestion and regularity
  • Increased weight loss
  • Improved nutrition intake
  • Regulation of blood sugar
  • Increased satisfaction from small meals

GNC Lean Shakes Benefits

Is There a GNC Lean Shake Alternative?

There are several shakes that compare to GNC Lean Shakes and can be used as an alternative to the meal replacement. The meal replacement industry is very lucrative, and the competition in this area has caused the developers to create better-tasting products with improved nutrition.

Comparable brands include:

You can create your alternative meal replacement shakes at home. By combining a liquid multivitamin with a scoop of whey protein isolate and a combination of tasty fruits, those seeking a meal replacement can make a comparable shake from the comfort of home.

When creating a GNC Lean Shakes alternative from home, however, be sure to measure the quantities of the vitamins and fruits included to ensure that the shake’s calorie count remains low. Some fruits, oils, and vegetables contain a high amount of good fat and calories that can quickly eliminate any benefit gained by replacing the meal.

Alternatives to GNC Lean Shakes

There are alternatives to GNC Lean Shakes offering similar nutritional value and benefits to weight loss. The alternatives include:

Alternatives to GNC Lean Shakes

GNC Lean Shakes vs 18 Shake

18 Shake, like GNC Lean Shakes, is a protein powder meal replacement, and both come from whey protein. And while 18 Shake has only 90 calories per serving, compared to GNC Lean Shakes 180 calories, the nutrition is different too. Let’s break it down:

  • Protein: 18 Shake has 15 grams vs GNC Lean Shakes 25 grams
  • Fiber: 18 Shake contains 5 grams compared to GNC Lean Shakes 8 grams
  • Vitamins and minerals: 18 Shake boasts 30% of the RDA per serving of most of its vitamin and mineral content. GNC Lean Shakes contain 20% of the RDA for most of its vitamin & mineral ingredients.

GNC Lean Shakes vs Isagenix

Isagenix’s weight loss product, IsaLean, is a powdered shake meal replacement. Isagenix recommends 1 to 3 shakes a day as a way to get high nutrition while cutting calories.

  • Similar to GNC Lean Shakes, both use whey protein
  • Protein, calories, fiber, and vitamin content are very similar in both products
  • IsaLean contains extra amino acids, herbs, and superfoods as compared to GNC Lean Shakes which does not
  • Isagenix claims high quality, organic ingredients while GNC Lean Shakes are not organic
  • Isagenix is more expensive- “systems” run from $200- $400 for a 30 day supply

GNC Lean Shakes vs Shakeology

Shakeology claims include weight loss, reduction in cravings, increased energy, support good health with the inclusion of vitamins, high-quality proteins, and plant superfoods/adaptogens.

  • Both of these shakes are made with water and ice and used as a low-calorie meal replacement
  • Shakeology is more expensive- $129 +shipping for 30 servings vs. GNC Lean Shakes at around $80 plus shipping for 30 servings
  • Reviews on taste are mediocre for Shakeology drinks
  • Shakeology has less protein and fiber than GNC Lean Shakes but includes probiotics, superfoods, and an adaptogen blend- all of which GNC Lean Shakes lack

What do GNC Lean Shakes cost?

What do GNC Lean Shakes Cost?

The cost of weight loss meal replacement shakes is always a factor. We found the following prices at

  • Lean Shake 25 RTD 12 Bottles: $29.99
  • Lean Shake 25 RTD 4 Bottles: $9.99
  • Lean Shake 25 1.83 lbs: $44.99
  • Lean Shake Burn RTD 12 Bottles: $39.99
  • Lean Shake Burn 1.63 lbs: $59.99
  • Lean Shake Classic 1.69 lbs: $39.99
  • Lean Shake Green 1.69 lbs: $44.99

GNC also offers a subscription option, with automatic delivery. This option reduces costs by 10% and gets you free shipping. There are also specials and sales on occasion, both online and in stores.

Where to Buy

Where to Buy GNC Lean Shakes

GNC Lean Shakes are easy to buy online, with all the usual suspects offering them up for sale. They can be purchased online from Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Jet, and others. You can also stop by your local GNC store to purchase GNC Lean Shakes.


GNC Lean Shakes Directions

To properly gain the desired results from GNC Lean Shakes, consumers use the shakes to replace meals at least once per day.

To make your shake, add liquid to your shaker cup or blender and top it off with the meal replacement powder. One serving of GNC Lean Shake is two scoops (48 grams) of powder, mixed with 8 ounces of liquid. Mix and enjoy.

Liquid options that meet the reduced-calorie idea include:

  • Unsweetened almond milk
  • Unsweetened coconut milk
  • Water
  • Low-calorie juices

GNC also offers several downloadable documents to help you attain your weight loss goals. GNC Lean Shakes Diet Plans can be found right on the GNC website, at the GNC Solution Center.

Make sure to store your GNC Lean Shake protein powder in a cool, dry place, as instructed by the manufacturer.


GNC Lean Shake Recipes

GNC Lean Shake Recipes

When you are ready to kick up the flavor of your meal replacement shake, there are plenty of yummy ways to go.

Here are a few to get you started:

Pumpkin Spice Shake

  • 2 scoops of protein powder, like GNC Lean Shake powder
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup skim milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • 2/3 cup pumpkin puree
  • Honey, maple syrup or sugar substitute to sweeten to taste
  • 1 cup of ice

Place all ingredients in a blender. Blend well. Makes 2 servings

Tropical Mango Shake

  • 2 1/2 cups frozen mango chunks
  • 1 1/2 cups unsweetened pineapple juice
  • 2 scoops protein powder
  • water

Place all ingredients in a blender and mix well. Add water to desired consistency. Makes 2 servings

Cinnamon Roll Smoothie

  • 2 scoops protein powder
  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 1 cup unsweetened cashew or almond milk
  • 1/4 cup nonfat Greek yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • Honey or sweetener to taste

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well. Sprinkle more spices on top, if desired.

Chocolate Mint Madness

  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 cup ice
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 2 scoops chocolate flavor protein powder
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder, or more to taste
  • 1/8 teaspoon peppermint extract, or more to taste

Place all ingredients in a blender, blend well. Garnish with mint leaves, if desired.

Pros and Cons of GNC Lean Shakes

Pros and Cons of GNC Lean Shakes


  • Whey isolate protein powder means high protein and low fat
  • 24 vitamin and minerals keep your nutrition on track
  • 8 grams of fiber and 25 grams of protein keeps you feeling full, keeps cravings down
  • Low-calorie count helps drop unwanted weight
  • Relatively low cost when compared to similar shakes


  • Physically active people may need more calories and may feel less full and satisfied
  • Flavor reviews are very mixed- with vanilla being the least favorite
  • Texture and thickness not always rated highly- you may need more than the two scoops of powder suggested
  • Compared to other brands, contains no superfoods, herbs, or probiotics
  • No claims of dairy-free, lactose-free, or organic ingredients

About GNC

GNC Corporation is a worldwide specialty retailer of health and wellness products. Products include vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplements; teas and other food-based supplements; sports nutrition products, and weight loss products. GNC was founded in 1935 and employed about 5,300 people in over 7,200 retail stores. Products can also be purchased online at

The company is located at:

300 Sixth Avenue, 2nd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Phone: 412-288-4600   Fax: 412-288-4764

Customer Service Hours Phone: 1-877-GNC-4700 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. EST Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. EST Saturday and Sunday

Chat/Web Form:

Email: [email protected] 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. EST Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. EST Saturday and Sunday


GNC Lean Shakes Results

Some users reported a negative response to the taste and consistency of the GNC Lean Shake’s various flavors, indicating that the shake had a chalky or stale texture.

GNC Lean Shakes Results

Other users also said temporary side effects including constipation, loose bowels, and decreased energy levels.

When taken consistently as a meal replacement for one to two weeks, however, results from GNC Lean Shakes were fairly positive with users reporting an average loss of five pounds per month.

What Users Are Saying

What Users Are Saying

“I love these! I’m currently on Noom and trying to eat more protein. These were perfect for a quick breakfast or a post workout snack. I highly recommend.”

“It tastes good. It blends well and has good consistency. However, I felt hungry an hour later.”

“Gave me diarrhea. Won’t buy again.”

Bottom Line

The Bottom Line – Do GNC Lean Shakes Work?

Hmm, what should be said about this one that’ll sum it up for you? We appreciate that GNC Lean Shakes provide a significant amount of fiber to assist with regularity and appetite suppression. However, we have reservations about this supplement because it’s not backed by solid clinical research. Furthermore, the amount of protein in a serving of this is quite minimal. Also, if you used this it as directed, twice a day, it would cost you nearly $131 a month.

If you want to slim down and rock your best body, we encourage you to choose a system that is both personalized and backed by real clinical results. It helps if you don’t have to worry about dealing with tons of supplements, health books, or weight loss calculators.

Among the best weight-loss apps we have seen is one called Noom. Noom has a team of medical experts that create personalized meal plans and updated food databases that make it easier to see what you are eating. Plus, the program offers human coaching, support groups, and exercise tracking.

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GNC Lean Shakes

What are GNC Lean Shakes?


GNC Lean Shakes are meal replacement shakes designed to provide a large number of vitamins and minerals while consuming fewer calories, aiding in weight loss efforts.

What are the side effects of Lean Shakes?


GNC Lean Shakes side effects may include headache, cramping, bloating, thirst, irregular bowel movement and nausea, as reported by some dieters.

What ingredients are in GNC Lean Shakes?


GNC Lean Shakes ingredients include protein blends, calcium blend, safflower oil, sunflower seed oil, and various flavors. Some flavors may also contain soy, artificial flavors, sucralose, salt, and dairy.

What is the active ingredient in GNC Lean Shakes?


The active ingredient in Lean Shakes is a carb blend of maltodextrin and oat bran.

Do GNC Lean Shakes work?


The company claims GNC Lean Shakes are clinically proven but there’s no links to research supporting this information. There are studies suggesting protein is beneficial to weight-loss, but nothing links to this particular formula.

Where can I buy GNC Lean Shakes?


GNC Lean Shakes can be purchased using their Official Site.

How much does one bottle of GNC Lean Shakes cost?


GNC Lean Shake costs $39.99. Each container has 16 servings or eight days worth.

How do I take GNC Lean Shakes?


You should take two scoops of GNC Lean Shakes, twice per day.

Who makes GNC Lean Shakes?


GNC Lean Shakes are made by General Nutrition Centers (GNC).

How many calories are in GNC Lean Shakes?


GNC Lean Shakes contain 180 calories per serving. It also contains 9 grams of protein.

Is there a guarantee on Lean Shakes?


Yes, there’s a guarantee on GNC Lean Shakes. If you aren’t satisfied, you can return the product for a full refund within 30 days.

Can GNC Lean Shakes help with weight loss?


GNC claims that Lean Shakes can help with weight loss when combined with a reduced-calorie diet. However, any consistent reduction in calories will lead to weight loss.

Is GNC Lean Shake healthy?


GNC Lean Shakes can be considered healthy because it contains a balanced ratio of protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins, However, it is still important to consult with your doctor before you start consuming this product.

What do you mix GNC Lean Shake with?


GNC Lean Shake can be mixed with water, milk, or juice depending on your preference. You can also add in a tablespoon of peanut butter or honey for added flavor. If you are looking for an extra protein boost, you can add in some whey protein powder or Greek yogurt to give the shake more of a meal replacement quality. Additionally, if you prefer more of a smoothie-like consistency, you can add in some fruits and vegetables.

How do GNC Lean Shakes work?


GNC Lean Shakes work by providing the necessary nutrients to the body while helping individuals feel fuller and more satisfied. The high fiber content and whey protein isolate source can help suppress the appetite.

What are the flavors of GNC Lean Shakes?


GNC Lean Shakes come in a variety of flavors, including vanilla bean, Swiss chocolate, French vanilla, banana, chocolate peanut butter, orange cream, rich chocolate, cookies and cream, and girl scout thin mints, among others.

What are the potential competitors to GNC Lean Shakes?


Some potential competitors to GNC Lean Shakes include Shakeology, Optifast, Muscle Milk, and Vega One.

Can GNC Lean Shakes be used as a laxative?


No, GNC Lean Shakes are not intended to be used as a laxative.

Are GNC Lean Shakes gluten-free?


There is no indication that GNC Lean Shakes are gluten-free.

Are GNC Lean Shakes lactose-free?


No, GNC Lean Shakes are not lactose-free.

How do GNC Lean Shakes taste?


The taste of GNC Lean Shakes varies depending on the flavor, and customer reviews are mixed. Some people love the flavors, while others find them terrible.

What is the consistency of GNC Lean Shakes?


The texture of GNC Lean Shakes can be altered based on individual preferences. Some users have expressed that the shake seemed thin and watered down, but it can be thickened by adding fruits like banana or avocado, blending with ice, or adding more protein powder.

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